The lion at the little French zoo is a favorite of all the townspeople. Every day they stop by to feed him tidbits and say, “Bonjour, Happy Lion.” Naturally, when the lion finds his door open, he decides it would only be proper to visit all his friendly neighbors in return. But, wait—sacré bleu! Why is everyone fleeing in terror?
Louise Fatio collaborated with her famous illustrator husband, Roger Duvoisin, on The Happy Lion, one of the most beloved stories of the mid-20th century. Long unavailable, it was reissued in a hardcover edition to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2004. She was born in Switzerland in 1904 and died in New Jersey in 1993.
Roger Duvoisin, a Caldecott Medal winner, wrote and illustrated 40 books, including those featuring Veronica the conspicuous hippopotamus and Petunia the silly goose. He collaborated with his wife, Louise Fatio, on nine more Happy Lion stories. He was born in Switzerland in 1904 and died in New Jersey in 1980.
"In this welcome anniversary edition, he still discovers, to his disappointment, that those friendly folk are not nearly so happy to see him loose, and he is still cheered when innocent little Fran?ois hails him on the main street with the familiar greeting: "Bonjour, Happy Lion." Roger Duvoisin's whimsical illustrations, in lion-like colors of tawny yellow and orange, remain irresistible."
--The Washington Post
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狮子并没有意识到 自己是只猛兽啊
绘本图书与其他普通图画书的区别在于绘本图书通常有独立的绘画著者,图画有个人风格,画面即情即景,可单幅成画。我们常见一些有图有文的书,尽管这些书的图画画得十分有趣,但这些图画只是文字的补充,只是一类具有文字系统功能的图画。这类书多见于教材和教辅类图书。书中的图画不具备“图画语言”功能。 图画书与我国传统的连环画、连环漫画相比,后者好比是传统舞台剧,读者只能在一定角度用全中景去看,会产生极大的距离感。低幼图画书却好比是供低幼儿童看的一部电影,它既展示出宽广的视野,又有细节的特写,既有极其有趣的故事情节,又暗藏着起、承、转、合的节奏设计。 一些以图为主的卡通类幼儿图书与图画书也不同。这些图书绘制精美,画面是活动的卡通片的固化,形式上失去活动的魅力,画面情节已被“肢解”难以表达原著内容,书中的图画只是引起对卡通情节回忆的符号
In this welcome anniversary edition, he still discovers, to his disappointment, that those friendly folk are not nearly so happy to see him loose, and he is still cheered when innocent little Fran?ois hails him on the main street with the familiar greeting: "Bonjour, Happy Lion." Roger Duvoisin's whimsical illustrations, in lion-like colors of tawny yellow and orange, remain irresistible."