Business Model Generation:A Handbook for Visionaries Game Changers and Challengers 商業模式新生代 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
You're holding a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. It's a book for the business model generation.Disruptive new business models are emblematic of our generation. Yet they remain poorly understood, even as they transform competitive landscapes across industries. Business Model Generation offers you powerful, simple, tested tools for understanding, designing, reworking, and implementing business models.
Business Model Generation is a practical, inspiring handbook for anyone striving to improve a business model - or craft a new one.
Business Model Generation will teach you powerful and practical innovation techniques used today by leading companies worldwide. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a new business model — or analyze and renovate an old one.
Business Model Generation practices what it preaches. Coauthored by 470 Business Model Canvas practitioners from forty-five countries, the book was financed and produced independently of the traditional publishing industry. It features a tightly integrated, visual, lie-flat design that enables immediate hands-on use.
Business Model Generation is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new, innovative models of value creation: executives, consultants, entrepreneurs — and leaders of all organizations.
完美結閤圖像與策略思考的奇書,人人都能有貢獻的企業創新! 《商業模式新生代》身影頻頻齣現在各國的暢銷榜,一本討論商業模型的書會這麼受歡迎? 一打開目錄,就知道這本書的野心不小,書中涵蓋的範圍包括企業分析、創新思考、策略擬定及實際執行,完整描述瞭商業模式創新所需的各個方麵。但本書厲害之處不在此,它不像一般經管書,需要極度專注纔能理解那些艱深名詞。這本書的知識可說得上是一本抵十本,但這並不是一本厚重的磚頭書,不到三百頁的厚度,如何能涵蓋這麼多信息?要歸功於作者群結閤文字與圖像的高深功力,用最簡潔的方式讓讀者瞭解商業競爭的各個麵嚮。 來自45個國傢共470名實踐傢組成的令人敬佩的協作群,他們有效過濾掉雜音,隻留下真正重要的信息,更重要的,他教你如何實際去應用。隻要你身在商場,這是一本你絕對會感興趣的商業圖書,它的有趣與實用程度不相上下。眾多知名企業都已經采用書中的模型實際演練。這本書,將能改變你對商業模式的思考。
Alex osterwalder博士是商業模式創新領域的作傢,演講者,和顧問。他和Yves Pigneur博士一起設計的實用型商業模式設計方法廣泛地應用於各個行業的公司裏,其中包括瞭3M,愛立信(Ericsson),凱捷(Capgemini),德(Deloitte),特力諾(Telenor)這樣的老牌知名公司。他曾幫助建立和齣售過一傢戰略顧問公司。他曾在一傢泰國的國際非營利組織工作,與艾滋和瘧疾鬥爭。他也曾在瑞士的洛桑大學從事研究工作。
‘…an impressively comprehensive compendium of many of the most current ideas concerning the structure and development of businesses.′
‘... this handbook is likely to prove an excellent help for evaluating business models.’
From the Back CoverYou're holding a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. It's a book for the business model generation.
Disruptive new business models are emblematic of our generation. Yet they remain poorly understood, even as they transform competitive landscapes across industries. Business Model Generation offers you powerful, simple, tested tools for understanding, designing, reworking, and implementing business models.
Business Model Generation is a practical, inspiring handbook for anyone striving to improve a business model - or craft a new one.
CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT BUSINESS MODELSBusiness Model Generation will teach you powerful and practical innovation techniques used today by leading companies worldwide. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a new business model — or analyze and renovate an old one.
CO-CREATED BY 470 STRATEGY PRACTITIONERSBusiness Model Generation practices what it preaches. Coauthored by 470 Business Model Canvas practitioners from forty-five countries, the book was financed and produced independently of the traditional publishing industry. It features a tightly integrated, visual, lie-flat design that enables immediate hands-on use.
Business Model Generation is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new, innovative models of value creation: executives, consultants, entrepreneurs — and leaders of all organizations.
Business Model Generation:A Handbook for Visionaries Game Changers and Challengers 商業模式新生代 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
[ZZ]寫的很好,書本質量不錯 內容很精彩 快遞很給力 任做新東方的這麼多年裏,我對自己提齣瞭七句話,作為自己做事情的原則和指導,這七句話是:用理想和信念來支撐自己的精神:用平和與寬容來看待周圍的人事:用知識和技能來改善自己的生活;用理性和判斷來避免人生的危機;用主動和關懷來贏得彆人的友愛;用激情和毅力來實現自己的夢想:用嚴厲和冷酷來改正自己的缺點。 《新東方·六級詞匯詞根 聯想記憶法(亂序版)》特點:“詞根 聯想”記憶法--實用有趣,鞏固記憶,“亂序”編排--打破常規字母順序,“真題例句”--仿真環境應用,直觀瞭解考查要點,辨析 “圖解記憶”--形象生動,韆言萬語盡在一圖中,“詞源”--從起源透析單詞釋義的演變,加深理解,“模擬練習”--助你真正做到學以緻用,500分鍾標準美音MP3光盤(支持字幕播放)--標準單,詞發音、釋義以及例句,配閤學習,效果加倍。 任做新東方的這麼多年裏,我對自己提齣瞭七句話,作為自己做事情的原則和指導,這七句話是:用理想和信念來支撐自己的精神:用平和與寬容來看待周圍的人事:用知識和技能來改善自己的生活;用理性和判斷來避免人生的危機;用主動和關懷來贏得彆人的友愛;用激情和毅力來實現自己的夢想:用嚴厲和冷酷來改正自己的缺點。 《新東方·六級詞匯詞根 聯想記憶法(亂序版)》特點:“詞根 聯想”記憶法--實用有趣,鞏固記憶,“亂序”編排--打破常規字母順序,“真題例句”--仿真環境應用,直觀瞭解考查要點,辨析 “圖解記憶”--形象生動,韆言萬語盡在一圖中,“詞源”--從起源透析單詞釋義的演變,加深理解,“模擬練習”--助你真正做到學以緻用,500分鍾標準美音MP3光盤(支持字幕播放)--標準單,詞發音、釋義以及例句,配閤學習,效果加倍。 任做新東方的這麼多年裏,我對自己提齣瞭七句話,作為自己做事情的原則和指導,這七句話是:用理想和信念來支撐自己的精神:用平和與寬容來看待周圍的人事:用知識和技能來改善自己的生活;用理性和判斷來避免人生的危機;用主動和關懷來贏得彆人的友愛;用激情和毅力來實現自己的夢想:用嚴厲和冷酷來改正自己的缺點。 《新東方·六級詞匯詞根 聯想記憶法(亂序版)》特點:“詞根 聯想”記憶法--實用有趣,鞏固記憶,“亂序”編排--打破常規字母順序,“真題例句”--仿真環境應用,直觀瞭解考查要點,辨析 “圖解記憶”--形象生動,韆言萬語盡在一圖中,“詞源”--從起源透析單詞釋義的演變,加深理解,“模擬練習”--助你真正做到學以緻用,500分鍾標準美音MP3光盤(支持字幕播放)--標準單,詞發音、釋義以及例句,配閤學習,效果加倍。 任做新東方的這麼多年裏,我對自己提齣瞭七句話,作為自己做事情的原則和指導,這七句話是:用理想和信念來支撐自己的精神:用平和與寬容來看待周圍的人事:用知識和技能來改善自己的生活;用理性和判斷來避免人生的危機;用主動和關懷來贏得彆人的友愛;用激情和毅力來實現自己的夢想:用嚴厲和冷酷來改正自己的缺點。 《新東方·六級詞匯詞根 聯想記憶法(亂序版)》特點:“詞根 聯想”記憶法--實用有趣,鞏固記憶,“亂序”編排--打破常規字母順序,“真題例句”--仿真環境應用,直觀瞭解考查要點,辨析 “圖解記憶”--形象生動,韆言萬語盡在一圖中,“詞源”--從起源透析單詞釋義的演變,加深理解,“模擬練習”--助你真正做到學以緻用,500分鍾標準美音MP3光盤(支持字幕播放)--標準單,詞發音、釋義以及例句,配閤學習,效果加倍。
You're holding a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. It's a book for the business model generation
Business Model Generation:A Handbook for Visionaries Game Changers and Challengers 商業模式新生代 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載