The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 湯姆.索亞曆險記 英文原版 [平裝] [9歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
適讀人群 :9歲及以上 Huckleberry Finn may be the greater book, but Tom Sawyer has always been more widely read. Moreover, it is a book that can be enjoyed equally by both children and adults. Twain, who called it a "hymn" to boyhood, would be thrilled that in narrator Patrick Fraley his hymn has found its most passionate voice. Many good unabridged readings of Tom Sawyer have already been recorded, but most are simply that: readings. Fraley's performance is something more; in attempting to bring each character to life, his enthusiasm for the material is so palpable that the mere sound of his voice commands attention. A can't-miss addition to all libraries, including those that have other Tom Sawyer programs.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) is Mark Twain's most popular book, and its hero is a national icon, celebrated as a distinctively American figure both at home and abroad. Tom Sawyer's bold spirit, winsome smile, and inventive solutions to the problems of everyday life in fictional St Petersburg - whether getting his friends to whitewash a fence for him, or escaping the demands of his vigilant Aunt Polly - have won him the hearts of generations.
MARK TWAIN's real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was born on November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri. Twain worked first as a printer and then as a pilot on Mississippi steamboats. Twain later worked as a prospector, a journalist and a publisher. Twain wrote many books but his most famous works are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Twain died in 1910.
British actor Mike McShane provides a superb portrayal of Mark Twain's classic characters, nailing the Mississippi drawl and cadence. For those who know and love the story or are following along with an unabridged edition, however, this production is marred somewhat by what the publisher has chosen to leave out. The more descriptive chapters are shortened or expurgated entirely, which is understandable in the interest of editing for time. Some of the more distasteful racial epithets are gone as well, although Injun Joe retains his moniker. Sid and Mary are also cut entirely, as well as references to smoking, slavery, most of Tom's ludicrously funny romantic notions about the violence inflicted by pirates and robbers, and even the naked figure in the schoolmaster's anatomy book. The result is a watered down Tom and, especially, Huck. The ending also lacks the satisfaction of the original version. The party scene where the fortune is revealed has been cut as has Twain's concluding paragraphs which "endeth this chronicle." It lacks even the closure of the customary, "You have been listening to-." The sturdy plastic case will survive many circulations. If your facility serves an elementary-age population for which the language of the original would not be appropriate, or there is a teacher looking for a sanitized version, McShane's excellent performance makes this edition worth recommending.
--Diana Dickerson, White Pigeon Community Schools, MI
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 湯姆.索亞曆險記 英文原版 [平裝] [9歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
AIR中神尾觀鈴:翼人的身上傳承著之前每代翼人的記憶,即使是翼人,承受這樣的記憶也是很痛苦的。但是翼人隻是痛苦,不會死。 而人類的身體是無法承受這樣龐大的記憶的。每代的轉生者,都會不斷地做關於翼人的夢,翼人的記憶也逐漸蘇醒,人類的身體最終無法承受,在痛苦中死去。本來觀鈴也要和那些轉生者一樣,做完最後一個夢就死去。 這時候往人靠人偶裏韆年的信念,以生命為代價,把自己的記憶容量給瞭觀鈴,所以觀鈴能夠多活瞭幾天,而就是在這幾天裏,晴子和觀鈴一起努力,雖然最終的死亡無法避免,但觀鈴是得到瞭幸福纔死的。
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The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 湯姆.索亞曆險記 英文原版 [平裝] [9歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載