作 者:文旭 编 定 价:98 出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社 出版日期:2017年06月01日 页 数:788 装 帧:平装 ISBN:9787544648707 ●前言
●The Invariance Hypothesis:Is Abstract Reason Based on Image—Schemas?
●George Lakoff
●Nouns and Verbs,Ronald W. Langacker
●Force Dynamics in Language and Cognition.Leonard Talmy
●The Structure of Events and the Structure of Language,William Croft
●Conceptual Reference Points:A Cognitive Grammar Account of Pronominal Anaphora Constraints,Karen van Hoek
●“Subjective”and “Objective”Readings of Possessor Nominals,John R.Taylor
●Over Again:Image-Schema Transformations in Semantic Analysis,RobertB.Dewelf
●Regularity and Idiomaticity in Grammatical Constructions:The Case of Let Alone,CharlesJ.Fillmore, PaulKay,and Mary Ca&enne O’Connor
●The Way Constructions Grow,Michael Israel
●Raising and Transparency,Ronald W.Langacker
●The Inherent Semantics of Argument Structure:The Case of the English Ditransitve Construction,Adele E.Goldberg
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