谢怡芬带你用英文去旅行 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
■ 旅行超过40个国家的Janet,带你一本书玩遍全世界!
■ 如果你也和Janet一样,爱玩、爱冒险、爱旅行、爱英文,那就跟着Janet,让旅行达人教你如何用地道英语走遍全世界!
■ 旅行中必备单词、短句、会话,Janet一次性全部满足你,全书配有Janet旅行及生活中的亮彩图片,让你大呼过瘾!
谢怡芬,出生于美国德州,是著名的旅游节目主持人。MIT麻省理工学院生物与西班牙文系毕业,通晓英语、西班牙语、法语。目前主持Discovery TLC旅游生活频道《疯亚洲》等节目。以其开朗的性格、小麦色健康肤色、活泼主持风格受到瞩目。去过超过40个国家,出版过《Janet带一百只牙刷去旅行》《爱上旅行的理由Backpack to the Future》。
Janet教你这本书怎么用 6
01 Janet的美食天堂
吃喝一本通 10
1.西式美食篇 10
2.中式、日式美食篇 12
3.色拉水果与甜点饮料 14
4.其他“食”在好用的单词 18
Janet教你聊英文 22
Janet的英文小日记—美食篇 28
吃遍世界—超实用会话 32
突发状况!Janet救救我 40
02 Janet的时尚世界
穿搭一本通 46
1.服装篇 46
2.配饰篇 51
3.描述衣物篇 56
Janet教你聊英文 58
Janet的英文小日记—衣着篇 64
时尚达人—超实用会话 68
突发状况!Janet救救我 74
03 Janet以世界为家
住宿一本通 80
1.各式住所与房间区域 80
2.住处内的摆设 85
3.在外住宿时必备的实用单词 90
Janet教你聊英文 92
Janet的英文小日记—住宿篇 98
遨游世界—超实用会话 102
突发状况!Janet救救我 112
04 Janet行遍天下
世界任我行 118
1.交通工具篇 118
2.与道路有关的单词 122
3.出国旅行必会实用单词 125
Janet教你聊英文 130
Janet的英文小日记—行走篇 136
行遍天下—超实用会话 140
突发状况!Janet救救我 148
05 Janet的学习游乐园
学习一本通 154
1.与学科相关的单词 154
2.与学校、上课相关的单词 158
3.其他与学校相关的教学单词 162
Janet教你聊英文 166
Janet的英文小日记—学习篇 172
学习锦囊—超实用会话 176
突发状况!Janet救救我 183
06 Janet的玩乐天堂
玩乐一本通 190
1.陆上活动篇 190
2.水上活动篇 194
3.文化艺术篇 198
Janet教你聊英文 202
Janet的英文小日记—玩乐篇 208
玩遍世界—超实用会话 212
突发状况!Janet救救我 220
Janet 教你聊英文
Conversation 1
Joanna: Any plans for dinner? Want me to cook you something special?
Peter: Er...you can't cook to save your life; let's just eat out.
Joanna: How dare you insult my cooking! OK, whatever! Where do you want to eat then?
Peter: Today feels like an all-you-can-eat-buffet kind of day. Let's go to the one next to the mall.
Joanna: We always lose out on those deals; you eat like a bird, and I'm not much of a big eater either.
( 我们每次去吃这种自助餐都有损失,你的食量跟小鸟一样,我也吃不多。)
Peter: True. But I like the food there, plus I have a buy-one-get-one free coupon that I need to use soon. So are you in?
( 话是没错。但我喜欢那里的食物,而且我有买一送一的优惠券,再不用就过期了。所以你要加入我吗?)
Conversation 2
Derrick: Ew! What's that suspicious-looking substance?
Lin: It's stinky tofu. Want some?
Derrick: That's what I smelled outside? Smells like someone just broke wind. You sure it's edible?
Lin: Of course. I eat it every day and I'm still alive and well.
Derrick: OK...I guess I'll give it a try then...
Lin: Like it?
Derrick: Erm...Let's just say this is one acquired taste that's going to take some getting used to!
跟朋友聊天,不可能不聊到食物!Janet 教你如何用英文写下与三五好友讨论美食的感想,让你每次一讲到食物,想说什么就说什么!
I've often pestered my friends with this question: If you could eat food from only one country for the rest of your life, what cuisine would you choose? Go on, take a few minutes to think about it. But don't go making yourself feel hungry, run off to eat, and forget to come back!
Friends I've quizzed with this question often choose Japanese for its light and organic nature, Italian or French for their sauces and fresh salads, Chinese for the infinite variety, or Indian and Thai for their exotic spices. Of course,there's also Taiwanese Snack, Argentinian asado, and American food (it's no all just pizza, hot dogs, and hamburgers; two of my favorite foods are Tex-Mex and Cajun).
One of the great things about life today is that you can have it all. You don't have to travel far now to get fantastic cuisine from all around
the world. Obviously, the best way is to actually travel to the country where the cuisine originates from, but cuisine loves to travel just as much as we do. We can enjoy many of our favorite dishes from foreign destinations all around the world, thanks to overseas settlers who brought
recipes and ingredients with them, exporting their local delicacies and turning them into international cuisine that we can enjoy in countries other than the ones they originated from.
Food is one of the most pleasurable ways to get to know a culture. It's something that can instantly take us back to our childhood. Food sustains us but also excites us. It not only nourishes us physically but also acts as a social tool, bringing together international friends and even strangers. It's at times our guilty pleasure or our worst nightmare. We can't live without it —and why would we want to?
I may not be able to decide between stinky tofu and sushi,sauerkraut and seafood salad, spaghetti and sambal, but I'll keep eating my way around the world until I can!
OK, you may go eat now. And can I join you?
They say the best ways to learn a language are to move to a country where that language is spoken or find a boyfriend or girlfriend whose native language is the one you want to learn. As much as I'd love to
谢怡芬带你用英文去旅行 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载