跟着美国小学课本学阅读 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
■ 这不只是一本阅读书,更是一本趣味漫画书。
10 美国小学介绍
13 美国小学的学科
16 Hunter in the Sky I-01 / 001 天空中的猎人
20 The Space Shuttle I-02 / 002 航天飞机
25 Our Big Universe I-03 / 003 浩瀚的宇宙
30 Our Amazing Skin I-04 / 004 我们神奇的皮肤
34 Tears and More Tears I-05 / 005 眼泪
38 How Does Nervous System Work?I-06 / 006 神经系统怎样运作?
42 The Digestive System I-07 / 007 消化系统
46 Telltale Print I-08 / 008 暴露秘密的指纹
50 Meat-Eating Plants I-09 / 009 食肉植物
54 Stop That Pacing, Fido! I-10 / 010 菲多,安静!
58 Secret Sharks I-11 / 011 神秘的鲨鱼
62 Disappearing Dinosaurs I-12 / 012 消失的恐龙
66 Animal Partners I-13 / 013 动物界的伙伴关系
70 How Animals Sleep? I-14 / 014 动物是怎样睡觉的?
74 Koalas I-15 / 015 树袋熊
78 Tales of Tail I-16 / 016 尾巴的故事
82 The Food Chains I-17 / 017 食物链
86 The Layer of Earth I-18 / 018 地层
89 Pollution I-19 / 019 污染
93 Energy I-20 / 020 能量
98 America’s Freedoms II-01 / 021 美国的自由
103 Crazy Town, U.S.A. II-02 / 022 美国的疯狂之城
107 How to Win a Prize? II-03 / 023 如何获奖?
111 How to Box the Gnat? II-04 / 024 怎样跳“棒打小昆虫”?
115 King of the Worms II-05 / 025 虫子之王
118 How the Mail Is Delivered? II-06 / 026 信的流程是什么?
122 The Pony Express II-07 / 027 驿马快递
127 Money Doctors II-08 / 028 钱币医生
131 Changes in Farming II-09 / 029 农业变革
135 Trains of the Past II-10 / 030 火车的发展史
139 Umbrellas II-11 / 031 伞
143 Paper II-12 / 032 纸
147 The History of Kites II-13 / 033 风筝的历史
151 Garden Art II-14 / 034 园林艺术
155 Yellowstone National Park II-15 / 035 黄石国家公园
159 Ferris Wheel II-16 / 036 摩天轮
163 Tepees: Native American Homes II-17 / 037圆锥帐篷——美洲原住民的家
168 Olympic Games II-18 / 038 奥林匹克运动会
174 Columbus Discovers the New World III-01 / 039 哥伦布发现新大陆
178 The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony III-02 / 040 清教徒和普利茅斯殖民地
182 The Boston Tea Party and The Declaration of Independence III-03 / 041波士顿倾茶事件和《独立宣言》
186 The American Revolution III-04 / 042 美国独立战争
191 The Mexican War III-05 / 043 墨西哥战争
195 The Civil War III-06 / 044 美国内战
201 World War I III-07 / 045 第一次世界大战
206 The Great Depression III-08 / 046 大萧条时期
212 World War II III-09 / 047 第二次世界大战
218 The Cold War III-10 / 048 冷战
4语文Language Art
224 Synonym and Antonym IV-01 / 049 同义词和反义词
227 Kinds of Sentences IV-02 / 050 句子的类型
230 Present-Tense and Past-Tense Verbs 动词的现在式IV-03 / 051 和过去式
233 Analogies 类比
235 How to Write a Paragraph? IV-04 / 052 如何写段落?
237 Story Order IV-05 / 053 故事顺序
239 Book Report Writing IV-06 / 054 撰写读书报告
数学5 Mathematics
244 Addition and Subtraction OperationsV-01 / 055 加法与减法运算
249 Problem Solving V-02 / 056 应用题
253 Rounding off Numbers V-03 / 057 数字的四舍五入
254 Estimation of Sums V-04 / 058 概算总和
256 The Meaning of Multiplication V-05 / 059 乘法
258 The Meaning of Division V-06 / 060 除法
260 The Meaning of Fractions V-07 / 061 分数
261 The Meaning of Decimals V-08 / 062 小数
262 Perimeter V-09 / 063 周长
264 Area V-10 / 064 面积
265 Figures V-11 / 065 图形
267 Money V-12 / 066 金钱
269 Elapsed Time V-13 / 067 经过的时间
272 Physical Education (PE) VI-01 / 068 体育课
275 One! Two! Three! Go! VI-02 / 069 一、二、三、开始!
276 Ready! Get Set! Pedal! VI-03 / 070 准备!踩好!开始蹬!
280 American Songs VI-04 / 071 美国歌曲
282 How to Decorate a T-Shirt? VI-05 / 072 怎样装饰 T 恤?
285 Make a Drum VI-06 / 073 鼓的制作
289 Pet Day at School VI-07 / 074 学校宠物日
290 Our Class Play VI-08 / 075 班级演出
Disappearing Dinosaurs
消失的恐龙I-12 / 012
For more than 160 million years, dinosaurs ruled Earth. Some were no larger than chickens. Others were more than 100 feet long and may have weighed 100 tons. Some dinosaurs ate plants. Others ate other dinosaurs! The last of these reptiles vanished about 65 million years ago.
Until recently, scientists have thought that dinosaurs disappeared slowly. They thought that the temperature on Earth cooled. Plants and dinosaurs that were used to warm weather couldn’t survive the cold climate. Also, early mammals might have eaten dinosaur eggs. Over many years, all the dinosaurs finally died.
In 1980, two scientists came up with a new idea about how the dinosaurs vanished. Luis Alvarez and his son Walter studied a layer of clay. In this clay the two men found iridium. This substance is rarely found in Earth’s crust. It is found in meteors that fall to Earth from outer space. The two men now think that dinosaurs might have died quickly.
The Alvarezes think that millions of years ago a huge meteorite might have slammed into warm, sunny Earth. The impact set a huge cloud of dust into the air. For months the dust cloud shut out the light of the Sun. With no sunlight all plants on Earth died. The plant-eating dinosaurs had no food, so they died too. The meat-eating dinosaurs then died quickly, because their food source was gone.
Today not all scientists agree with the idea of “quick death.” Some think the idea should be studied. As time goes by, scientists will continue to study how the dinosaurs disappeared.
Words and Phrases
dinosaur [?da?n?s?:(r)] j 恐龙
reptile [?repta?l] j 爬行动物
vanish [?v?n??] 动 消失;突然不见
survive [s??va?v] 动 幸存;活下来
mammal [?m?ml] j 哺乳动物
clay [kle?] j 黏土,泥土
iridium [??r?d??m] j 铱
crust [kr?st] j 外壳;地壳
meteor [?mi:t??(r)] j 流星,陨星
outer space 太空;外层空间
meteorite [?mi:t??ra?t] j 陨石
slam [sl?m] 动 猛烈撞击
impact [??mp?kt] j 冲击力;碰撞
shut out 排除;把……关在外边
disappear [?d?s??p??(r)] 动 不见,消失;不复存在
1. When did dinosaurs vanish from Earth?
A. about 65 million years ago
B. more than 100 million years ago
C. before a meteorite landed
2. What happened as Earth grew colder?
A. The mammals disappeared.
B. The dinosaurs died.
C. Meteorites fell.
3. When did the huge dust cloud fill the air?
A. after the plants died
B. when the meteorite fell
C. after the dinosaurs died
4. According to the Alvarezes, when did the dinosaurs die?
A. when Earth was sunny
B. thousands of years ago
C. after sunlight was shut out
恐龙曾经主宰地球超过一亿六千万年之久。有的恐龙还不如鸡大,有的却超过100 英尺(30.48 米)长,而且体重可能达到了100吨。有些恐龙吃植物,有些则靠吃其他恐龙为生!然而这些爬行动物早在六千五百万年前就消声匿迹了。
练 习
1. 恐龙是什么时候从地球上消失的?
A. 大约在六千五百万年前
B. 超过一亿年之前
C. 在陨石撞地球之前
2. 当地球气温变冷时发生了什么事?
A. 哺乳动物消失了。
B. 恐龙死亡了。
C. 陨石降落了。
3. 大量的尘雾何时布满在空中?
A. 当植物死亡后
B. 当陨石坠落时
C. 在恐龙死亡后
4. 依据阿尔瓦雷兹父子的研究,恐龙是何时灭亡的?
A. 当地球气候晴朗的时候
B. 几千年以前
C. 当阳光被阻隔后
答 案1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C
此外,在美国生活多年的中国移民反映,他们身处美国后发现,美国人日常会话及书写所使用的英语都不是很难,甚至相当简单,语言沟通的关键在于双方如何清楚地表达,并能让对方理解。编者认为,学习语言的同时,也要学习美国人的思维逻辑。因为语言是活的,要学会灵活运用。如果对语言进行机械化的拆解式学习,注定是事倍功半的,这正是国内英语学习者在学习方法上要思考改进的。学习英语必须循序渐进。《跟着美国小学课本学阅读》这本书的目的就是要让大家了解,美国小学生课本中是如何用简单的语言来表达复杂的情感及应对生活中出现的各种情况的。本书收录的内容(包括习题)均摘录自美国小学课本 跟着美国小学课本学阅读 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
跟着美国小学课本学阅读 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载