医学英语情景实用指南 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
Section 1 Common Clinical Situations
第一部分 普通医疗情况
Unit 1 Appointment 第一单元预约
1.1 Model Sentenoee典型语句
1.2 Sample Conversations会话范例
1.3 Extended Vocabulary and Exercises拓展词汇和练习
Unit 2 Registration 第二单元挂号
2.1 Model Sentences典型语句
2.2 Sample Conversations会话范例
2.3 Extended Vocabulary and Exercises拓展词汇和练习
Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor 第三单元看病
3.1 Model Sentenoee典型语句
3.2 Sample Conversations会话范例
3.3 Extended Vocabulary and Exercises拓展词汇和练习
Unit 4 At the Hospital Pharmacy 第四单元取药
4.1 Model Sentenoee典型语句
4.2 Sample Conversations会话范例
4.3 Extended Vocabulary and Exercises拓展词汇和练习
Unit 5 Admission 第五单元 住院
5.1 Model Sentenoee典型语句
5.2 Sample Conversations会话范例
5.3 Extended Vocabulary and Exercises拓展词汇和练习
Section 2 Situational Dialogues in Different Clinical Departments
第二部分 各临床科室情景对话
Unit 1 Internal Medicine
1.1 influenza流感
1.2 9AR9非典
1.3 Hand-foot-mouth disease手足口瘸
1.4 HypeHension高血压
1.8 Diebefios糖尿病
1.6 Gasfrio Uloer胃溃疡
1.7 Duodenal Uloer十二指肠溃疡
1.8 Gestroesophegeel Reflux Disease胃食管反流性病
1.9 Pneumofhorex气胸
1.10 Angina Cordis心绞痛
Unit 2 Surgery第二单元 外科
2.1 Sprain扭伤
2.2 Freefurs骨折
2.3 Appendioitls阑尾炎
2.4 Intesfinel Obstruction肠梗阻
2.5 Osteoarthritis骨关节炎
2.6 Varioooele精索静脉曲张
2.7 Acute Oholeogsflfis急性胆囊炎
2.8 Urolithiasie屎石痘
2.9 Tumor肿瘤
Unit 3 Obstetrics and Gynecology 第三单元妇产科
3.1 Endomefrioeis子宫内膜异位痘
3.2 InfeHilify不孕症
3.3 Eofopio Pregnaneg富外孕
Unit 4 Pediatrics 第四单元 儿科
4.1 DiePrhee腹泻
4.2 Aoute Leukemia急性白血病
Unit 5 Neurology 第五单元 神经科
5.1 Musoular Dgsfrophg肌营养不良
5.2 Translenf Isohemio Affaok短暂性脑缺血发作
Unit 6 Ophthalmology第六单元眼科
6.1 Keraflfls角膜炎
6.2 Conjunoflvifls结膜炎
Unit 7 Stomatology第七单元口腔科
7.1 Gingivitis舁龈炎
7.2 Toothaohe牙痛
7.3 Periooronitis of wisdom Tooth智齿冠周炎
Unit 8 Dermatology第八单元皮肤科
8.1 Herpes Zoster带状疱疹
8.2 Drug Eruption药疹
8.3 Syatemio Lupus Ergthernatosus系统性红斑狼疮
8.4 Psoriasis银屑病
Unit 9 Otolaryngology第九单元 耳鼻喉科
9.1 Sinusitis鼻窦炎
Unit 10 Emergency第十单元急诊科
Section 3 The Practical Clinical Records
第三部分 实用临床记录
Unit 1 Out-patient Case History第一单元门诊病历
Unit 2 In-patient Case History第二单元住院病历
Unit 3 Operation Records第三单元手术记录
3.1 Operation Reoord Samples手术记录范例
3.2 Aneshesla Plan麻醉计划
Unit 4 Examination Reports第四单元检查报告
Section 4 The Secret to Learning Medical English Vocabulary
第四部分 学习医学英语词汇的秘诀
Unit 1 Basic Patterns of Word Formation
Unit 2 Roots Commonly Used in Medical English Words
Unit 3 Prefixes and Headings Commonly Used in Medical English Words
Unit 4 Suffixes and Endings Commonly Used in Medical English Words
Mr. Jones: What! Where am I? Who are you?
Dr. Reamus: You're in the hospital; the ambulance brought you in after you collapsed. How are you feeling?
Mr. Jones: How do you think I'm feeling?
My head hurts, I feel dizzy and I think I'm going to be sick.
Nurse: Watch out!
Mr. Jones: (being sick) Sorry!
Nurse: rll clean it up, but be careful, doctor,I think he's going to vomit again.
Dr. Reamus: Thank you, nurse. Now Mr.Jones, let's have a look at you. Do you remember how you fell over?
Mr. Jones: No, no, you stupid man. Let me go. No questions for me! I just need to sleep.
Dr. Reamus: There is no need to be so rude.We are only trying to help you.
Mr. Jones: I'm sorry, doctor. I'm so sad. My wife left me yesterday. I don't normally drink so much, but I was trying to forget.My wife says I have no self-control.Maybe she's right. Now the police want to charge me and I've been sick all the time. I am really sorry, doctor. I don't normally behave so badly.
Dr. Reamus: Okay, Mr, Jones. Take it easy.These things are happening here some-times; I need to check you over and see if there are any physical problems. Then I can put you in touch with a counsellor and you can talk through your problems
琼斯先生: (感到恶心)对不起!
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医学英语情景实用指南 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载