結構生物學:利用電子束和X射綫作為研究手段麵嚮生物學傢(導讀版) [Structural Biology Using Electrons and X-rays:An Introduction for pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
1.1 分子結構生物學的地位
1.2 分子結構生物學簡史
1.2.1 問題的本質
1.2.2 成像技術
1.2.3 核磁共振
1.2.4 獲取生物大分子結構的根本限製因素
2.1 介紹“相關”的概念
2.1.1 互相關
2.1.2 互相關函數
2.1.3 “相關”與乘法的聯係
2.1.4 捲積和相關
2.2 函數的奇偶性
2.2.1 偶函數和奇函數
2.2.2 -些偶函數和它們的互相關函數
2.3 自相關函數
2.3.1 自相關函數的解釋
2.3.2 確定自相關函數中央峰的位置
3.1 基分量函數
3.2 周期偶函數的傅立葉分析
3.2.1 傅立葉基分量和圖解
3.2.2 梳狀函數的傅立葉分析
3.3 正弦函數和相量
3.3.1 奇函數的傅立葉級數
3.3.2 正弦函數的錶示:相量
3.3.3 相量的乘法
3.3.4 相量的加法
3.3.5 相量共軛
3.3.6 相量波
3.3.7 一般函數的傅立葉級數
3.4 傅立葉變換
3.4.1 傅立葉級數和變換
3.4.2 峰函數的傅立葉變換
3.4.3 傅立葉逆變換
3.4.4 捲積定理
3.4.5 格點采樣和捲積定理
3.4.6 互相關函數和捲積定理
3.4.7 平移規則
3.4.8 選擇傅立葉變換的原點
3.5 變換法則小結
3.5.1 傅立葉變換和其逆變換
3.5.2 代數法則
3.5.3 等距移動法則
3.5.4 形變法則
4.1 數據采集
4.1.1 采樣的影響
4.1.2 數字化方程
4.1.3 一個數字傅立葉變換的例子
4.1.4 分辨率和光柵尺寸
4.1.5 采樣頻率和失真
4.1.6 數字傅立葉變換所需要的樣品參數
4.2 數字傅立葉變化的特點
4.2.1 振幅縮放法則
4.2.2 子周期
4.3 數字傅立葉變換的計算
4.3.1 基本計算
4.3.2 快速傅立葉變換:簡介
4.3.3 快速傅立葉變換:核心技巧
4.4 附錄
4.4.1 振幅縮放法則
5.1 引言
5.1.1 濾波的概念
5.1.2 簡單濾波操作
5.2 模糊濾波器
5.2.1 矩形濾波器
5.2.2 收斂到等價
The simplest positive functions are even, if the origin is put at their center of gravity. Thusvery low-resolution approximations to a structure are likely to be even functions. They havethe simplifying feature that the CCF with another even function is the same as the convolutionwith it, since j'(-) = f in equation (2.5).The most important even functions are related to the rectangle. The rectangle function hastwo extreme forms, depending on its width. As it shrinks, a rectangle approaches the 'peak'function. Usually, a 'peak' means any function whose width is smaller than the resolutionlimit of the physical system used. (Resolution measures the size of the smallest detail thatcan be interpreted reliably.) However, in mathematics, where there is no resolution //m/t, the 'peak' must be a special function of infinitesimal width: the delta-function (8-function).But it is not merely infinitesimal; unlike the Euclidean point, the 8-function has position andmagnitude. For, if the rectangle is not to lose significance as its width shrinks, its height mustincrease to maintain a constant area (3.4.1).The CCF of two peaks is another peak. Its x-coordinate is the sum of the x-coordinates of thetwo peaks; its height is the product of the two peaks' heights; and its width is the sum of theirwidths. Convoluting a function with a unit peak leaves its shape unchanged; but it shifts it sothat its original origin gets moved to the peak's position, and also re-scales it (multiplying itby the peak's height).
結構生物學:利用電子束和X射綫作為研究手段麵嚮生物學傢(導讀版) [Structural Biology Using Electrons and X-rays:An Introduction for 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
結構生物學:利用電子束和X射綫作為研究手段麵嚮生物學傢(導讀版) [Structural Biology Using Electrons and X-rays:An Introduction for pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載