中国考试大辞典 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
评分本书收词范围,上起先秦(考试制度的萌芽),下至当今(考试制度的日趋完善)。所涉内容,包括历代考试制度中的一般名词、术语,历代各种类型、各种级别的考试,历代考试的组织机构及官员,历代考试的基本制度(包括考生的报名、资格审查、考试设置、考试日期、命题、阅卷、录取、考试的各项条例及纪律、防止舞弊的各项措施等),历代考试中发生的事件,历代考试中的常用称谓,与考试有直接关系的学校,历代关于记载考试制度的典籍、专著、文件,在中国考试史中有影响的相关人物(包括科举时代的历科状元),以及现代考试理论与技术。由于教育测量与教育统计已在教育考试中广泛应用,故亦纳入收词范围。性价比非常高!书质量很满意! 算上各种优惠券,折算下来大概10元一本。在京东买书的好处就在这里,建议大家如果对书籍不是特别急切的话,可以等待京东出优惠券。一般来说优惠券最大的力度我见过的是有全场满200-80的东券,更犀利的是,还可以叠加一些京东诸如买满6本减最低价2本、满150立减50等待立减活动。非常的超值!!下面关于这本书和这一类书,以及读书的重要性,我的看法是这样的:每本书的封面之下都有一套自己的骨架,作为一个分析阅读的读者,责任就是要找出这个骨架。一本书出现在面前时,肌肉包着骨头,衣服包裹着肌肉,可说是盛装而来。读者用不着揭开它的外衣或是撕去它的肌肉来得到在柔软表皮下的那套骨架,但是一定要用一双X光般的透视眼来看这本书,因为那是了解一本书、掌握其骨架的基础。 高尔基先生说过:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”书还能带给你许多重要的好处。 多读书,可以让你觉得有许多的写作灵感。可以让你在写作文的方法上用的更好。在写作的时候,我们往往可以运用一些书中的好词好句和生活哲理。让别人觉得你更富有文采,美感。 多读书,可以让你全身都有礼节。俗话说:“第一印象最重要。”从你留给别人的第一印象中,就可以让别人看出你是什么样的人。所以多读书可以让人感觉你知书答礼,颇有风度。 多读书,可以让你多增加一些课外知识。培根先生说过:“知识就是力量。”不错,多读书,增长了课外知识,可以让你感到浑身充满了一股力量。这种力量可以激励着你不断地前进,不断地成长。从书中,你往往可以发现自己身上的不足之处,使你不断地改正错误,摆正自己前进的方向。所以,书也是我们的良师益友。 多读书,可以让你变聪明,变得有智慧去战胜对手。书让你变得更聪明,你就可以勇敢地面对困难。让你用自己的方法来解决这个问题。这样,你又向你自己的人生道路上迈出了一步。 多读书,也能使你的心情便得快乐。读书也是一种休闲,一种娱乐的方式。读书可以调节身体的血管流动,使你身心健康。所以在书的海洋里遨游也是一种无限快乐的事情。用读书来为自己放松心情也是一种十分明智的。 读书能陶冶人的情操,给人知识和智慧。所以,我们应该多读书,为我们以后的人生道路打下好的、扎实的基础!读书的好处说有就有,说没有就没有,这要看读什么书,怎样读书,就像世上既有不识字的流浪汉,也有满腹经纶的穷秀才一样。然而,没有文化却不可能成为名医、工程师,研制不出原子弹,造不出航母,要想成为社会名流、带动生产力的进步,不读书是绝对不可能的。正如俄罗斯文学家高尔基说的,书是人类进步的阶梯。当今社会正是知识社会,信息社会,可以推测一个没有文化的人要在社会上立足是何其难,要是连食品药品说明书都看不懂,那该多不方便呀。因此,趁着年轻,努力学习、努力读书吧。它会使你变得聪明,给你插上腾飞的翅膀,在社会中翱翔
评分中国考试大辞典》是一部供中外读者查阅、检索有关中国历代考试制度所涉及各个方面辞汇的工具书。它是我国第一部完整的关于历代考试制度和考试技术理论的大型专业性辞书。本书由 杨学为主编,教育部考试中心组织各方面权威专家集体编写。全书收辞范围上起考试制度萌芽的先秦时代,下至考试制度 日趋完备的今天。所涉及的内容有历代考试制度中的一般名词、术语;历代各种类型、各种级别的考试;历代考试的组织机构及官员;历代考试的基本制度;历代考试中发生的重要事件、涉及者以及与考试有直接关系的学校;历代关于记载考试制度的典籍、专著、文件以及在考试史上有影响的人物,包括历代状元、主要帝王、大臣;还有现代考试理论与技术。 本书收辞全面,编考严谨;各个历史时期均由专家把关,采用分类编排释文内容,后附笔划索引的方式,可兼具阅读、检索两项功能。它不仅是从事中国考试史研究的中外学者、组织各级各类考试的工作者、教育工作者的必备参考书,也是一般读者的常用工具书。这本书甚好,要仔细阅读。
评分Tage is an ancient form of dance that created by human,it’s popular for learning easily and can create a pleasant atmosphere at that time.This paper mainly analyzes from three aspects of the Tage in the Tang Dynasty,discusses the creation of dance firstly.Then discuss the culture poetry that reflected in Tage from the spring celebration,activities celebration,feteand and worship.At last,analysis the artistic characteristics of Tage from the beauty of image music and emotionTage is an ancient form of dance that created by human,it’s popular for learning easily and can create a pleasant atmosphere at that time.This paper mainly analyzes from three aspects of the Tage in the Tang Dynasty,discusses the creation of dance firstly.Then discuss the culture poetry that reflected in Tage from the spring celebration,activities celebration,feteand and worship.At last,analysis the artistic characteristics of Tage from the beauty of image music and emotionTage is an ancient form of dance that created by human,it’s popular for learning easily and can create a pleasant atmosphere at that time.This paper mainly analyzes from three aspects of the Tage in the Tang Dynasty,discusses the creation of dance firstly.Then discuss the culture poetry that reflected in Tage from the spring celebration,activities celebration,feteand and worship.At last,analysis the artistic characteristics of Tage from the beauty of image music and emotionTage is an ancient form of dance that created by human,it’s popular for learning easily and can create a pleasant atmosphere at that time.This paper mainly analyzes from three aspects of the Tage in the Tang Dynasty,discusses the creation of dance firstly.Then discuss the culture poetry that reflected in Tage from the spring celebration,activities celebration,feteand and worship.At last,analysis the artistic characteristics of Tage from the beauty of image music and emotion
评分Tage is an ancient form of dance that created by human,it’s popular for learning easily and can create a pleasant atmosphere at that time.This paper mainly analyzes from three aspects of the Tage in the Tang Dynasty,discusses the creation of dance firstly.Then discuss the culture poetry that reflected in Tage from the spring celebration,activities celebration,feteand and worship.At last,analysis the artistic characteristics of Tage from the beauty of image music and emotionTage is an ancient form of dance that created by human,it’s popular for learning easily and can create a pleasant atmosphere at that time.This paper mainly analyzes from three aspects of the Tage in the Tang Dynasty,discusses the creation of dance firstly.Then discuss the culture poetry that reflected in Tage from the spring celebration,activities celebration,feteand and worship.At last,analysis the artistic characteristics of Tage from the beauty of image music and emotionTage is an ancient form of dance that created by human,it’s popular for learning easily and can create a pleasant atmosphere at that time.This paper mainly analyzes from three aspects of the Tage in the Tang Dynasty,discusses the creation of dance firstly.Then discuss the culture poetry that reflected in Tage from the spring celebration,activities celebration,feteand and worship.At last,analysis the artistic characteristics of Tage from the beauty of image music and emotionTage is an ancient form of dance that created by human,it’s popular for learning easily and can create a pleasant atmosphere at that time.This paper mainly analyzes from three aspects of the Tage in the Tang Dynasty,discusses the creation of dance firstly.Then discuss the culture poetry that reflected in Tage from the spring celebration,activities celebration,feteand and worship.At last,analysis the artistic characteristics of Tage from the beauty of image music and emotion
中国考试大辞典 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载