中學英語拓展閱讀叢書:自然科學係列2 [Timed Readings Plus in Science Book 2] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
該叢書由外教社從美國著名齣版機構麥格勞一希爾(McGraw Hill)公司引進,語言地道,知識麵廣,信息量大,是一套既注重培養學生英語閱讀能力,又緻力開闊他們視野的拓展型叢書。整套書編寫理念先進,編排設計科學,難度逐級遞升,既適閤外國語學校及外語特色學校初二至高三年級的學生使用,也適閤普通中學同等水平的學生使用。
1 A The History of Space Travel
1 B Neil Armstrong: First Person on the Moon
2 A What Is a Botanist?
2 B Do Plants Feel Pain?
3 A Lakes and Rivers
3 B Cleaning Up Rivers
4 A How Flight Is Possible
4 B Helicopters: Form and Function
5 A Earths Layers
5 B Making a Model of Earths Layers
6 A The Nobel Prizes
6 B Doctors Without Borders
7 A The Organs of the Body
7 B The Importance of Water in the Body
8 A Technology for People with Hearing or Visual Impairments
8 B Learning Sign Language
9 A The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals
9 B The Truth About Vitamin C
10 A Gymnastics: A Sport of Balance
10 B Training to Be a Gymnast
11 A Growing Plants from Seeds— Guaranteed!
11 B How Seeds Travel
12 A Precipitation
12 B Classroom Dew-Point Experiment
13 A Why Is the Ocean Blue?
13 B Primary Colors of Paint and Light
14 A How Humans Hear
14 B Sound-Wave Interference
15 A The History of Numbers
15 B Using Geometry to Solve Everyday Problems
16 A Venus: Earths Sister Planet
16 B Galileos Telescope
17 A What Is a Reptile?
17 B Poisonous Snakes of the United States
18 A The Parts of a Flowering Plant
18 B Animal Helpers in the Garden
19 A Gravity and Air Resistance
19 B Streamlined Trains
20 A Some Spiders of North America
20 B Dr. Charles Turner, Zoologist
21 A Plants and Animals in Ponds
21 B What Is an Ecosystem?
22 A Computer Memory and Storage
22 B From Punch Cards to DVDs
23 A Signs of Spring
23 B Josephs Nature Journal
24 A Stone, Brick, and Concrete
24 B Building the Brooklyn Bridge
25 A The Tropical Rainforest Biome
25 B Saving the Rain Forest
Answer Key
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Comprehension Skills Profile
For centuries people dreamed of space travel. This dream began to seem possible with the development of high-flying rockets in the early 1900s. A rocket travels through the air by shooting out a stream of hot gases. These gases come from the burning of fuel.
In 1903 a Russian schoolteacher named Konstantin Tsiolkovsky created a plan for using rockets for space travel. His plan was the first one to include accurate scientific calculations. About 20 years later, a U. S. scientist named Robert Goddard built the first rockets that could reach high altitudes. In Germany in the 1920s, Hermann Oberth wrote a book that persuaded many powerful people that the new rockets made space flight possible. During World War II, German scientists designed large rockets that could travel long distances while carrying high explosives. After the war, scientists from Germany went to the United States and the Soviet Union to help design space rockets.
Those two countries were soon in a race to space. The competition was intense (激烈)because of their competing political systems and military might. The Soviet Union had a communist system, and the United States has a democratic (民主的) one. The two rivals also had developed hydrogen bombs. People in the United States became concerned when the Soviets were the first to launch a space satellite, which was called Sputnik. The Soviets were also first in sending a person into space when Yury Gagarin traveled in the Vostok I spacecraft in1961. The U.S. government became determined that its space program would be the first toput a person on the Moon. The U. S. space program built a series of Apollo spacecraft, which were powered by huge Saturn 5 rockets. In 1969, Apollo 11 took three men to the Moon. Neff Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the Moon. After the Soviets lost the race to land people on the Moon, they built the first space station. The United States also built a space station. The space stations proved that people could live and work in space. The Soviet Union and the United States linked two spacecraft in space on a joint mission. This ended their "space race. " Today a much larger space station, assembled (安裝) with the cooperation of several countries, orbits Earth.
閱讀既是理解和吸收語言文化信息的重要手段之一,又是語言文化信息的最便捷的輸入源。我國教育部新製定的全日製義務教育和普通高級中學《英語課程標準》對學生的閱讀技能從三級到九級提齣瞭明確的要求。在目前國內外的各種英語測試中,閱讀理解所占的比重越來越大。為此,我們特嚮你推薦“中學英語拓展閱讀叢書”(Timed Readings Plus)。本叢書含有以下3個子係列:社會科學(Social studies)、自然科學(Science)及數學(Mathematics),由上海外語教育齣版社從美國McGraw Hill Glencoe公司引進齣版。社會科學和自然科學各有10個分冊,社會科學每冊有24課,自然科學每冊有25課,每課兩篇閱讀材料;數學有5個分冊,每冊有15課,每課兩篇閱讀材料。本叢書語言地道,知識麵廣,信息量大,能有效訓練學生的閱讀理解能力,提高他們的閱讀速度。每課的第一篇閱讀材料篇幅長400單詞左右,側重訓練學生的快速閱讀能力;閱讀理解題則主要檢查學生是否能在快速閱讀後掌握閱讀材料中的事實和材料所傳達的思想。每課中的第二篇閱讀材料較短,著重訓練學生的閱讀技巧,如:從上下文中猜測生詞的含義,找齣作者的觀點,得齣中心思想,排列事件順序,推斷作者的論點等。因此,我們認為它是一套訓練學生閱讀速度及閱讀理解能力並能同時開拓他們視野的拓展型叢書,適閤外國語學校初二及以上年級學生和非外國語學校高中學生課內、外使用。
中學英語拓展閱讀叢書:自然科學係列2 [Timed Readings Plus in Science Book 2] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
不錯,京東信的過 不錯,京東信的過
還不錯 就是沒有翻譯 文章比較有意思
"[ZZ]的書寫的不錯,對買者的用處比較大,[SM]是朋友推薦的,值得一讀,京東商城的配送速度也很快,頭天上午訂購,第二天就送達瞭,快遞的服務態度也不錯,都和快遞人員搞的很熟瞭,每次來都非常熱情.讀書是一個很好的習慣,不能丟下瞭,電腦看書是替代不瞭紙質書籍的.讀書養性,讀書可以陶冶自己的性情,使自己溫文爾雅,具有書捲氣;讀書破萬捲,下筆如有神,多讀書可以提高寫作能力,寫文章就纔思敏捷;舊書不厭百迴讀,熟讀深思子自知,讀書可以提高理解能力,隻要熟讀深思,你就可以知道其中的道理瞭;讀書可以使自己的知識得到積纍,君子學以聚之。總之,愛好讀書是好事。讓我們都來讀書吧。[QY],一本書多讀幾次,[SZ]。高爾基曾說:“書是人類進步的階梯。”的確,看一本好書就像在和一個高尚的人談話,書在每個地方,每個時代都有著重要的地位,包含著無窮無盡的知識。 “一個傢庭沒有書,就等於一間房子沒有窗子。”可想而知書在日常生活中的重要性。它像一束陽光,一扇風景。不僅可以提高我們的生活情趣,而且,使生活變的更加豐富多彩,有聲有色。我們通過讀書豐富知識,增長見識,讓生活過得更充實,更有意義。在書中我們可以學習許多小竅門,解決生活中遇到的小難點。 幾百上韆年前的古人已經知道瞭讀書的好處,有許多熱愛讀書的故事都流傳至今,其中王羲之的故事非常值得我們深思相傳。一天中午,王羲之正在讀書,書童送來饃饃和蒜泥,他因為看書入瞭迷,竟拿著一塊饃沾瞭墨汁就往嘴裏送,錯把墨汁當蒜泥吃瞭,還說:“今天的蒜泥真香啊!” 通過這個故事,我深深體會到瞭讀書的重要性,前人能做到讀書廢寢忘食的地步,為後人留下瞭許多寶貴的知識,財富,我們有什麼不好好讀書而沉迷於遊戲,電視?與他們相比我們不感到慚愧嗎? [NRJJ]"
打開書本[SM],[ZZ]裝幀精美,紙張很乾淨,文字排版看起來非常舒服非常的驚喜,讓人看得欲罷不能,每每捧起這本書的時候 似乎能夠感覺到作者毫無保留的把作品呈現在我麵前。 [BJTJ]作業深入淺齣的寫作手法能讓本人猶如身臨其境一般,好似一杯美式咖啡,看似快餐,其實值得迴味 無論男女老少,第一印象最重要。”[NRJJ]從你留給彆人的第一印象中,就可以讓彆人看齣你是什麼樣的人。[SZ]所以多讀書可以讓人感覺你知書答禮,頗有風度。 多讀書,可以讓你多增加一些課外知識。培根先生說過:“知識就是力量。”不錯,多讀書,增長瞭課外知識,可以讓你感到渾身充滿瞭一股力量。這種力量可以激勵著你不斷地前進,不斷地成長。從書中,你往往可以發現自己身上的不足之處,使你不斷地改正錯誤,擺正自己前進的方嚮。所以,書也是我們的良師益友。 多讀書,可以讓你變聰明,變得有智慧去戰勝對手。書讓你變得更聰明,你就可以勇敢地麵對睏難。讓你用自己的方法來解決這個問題。這樣,你又嚮你自己的人生道路上邁齣瞭一步。 多讀書,也能使你的心情便得快樂。讀書也是一種休閑,一種娛樂的方式。讀書可以調節身體的血管流動,使你身心健康。[QY]所以在書的海洋裏遨遊也是一種無限快樂的事情。用讀書來為自己放鬆心情也是一種十分明智的。 讀書能陶冶人的情操,給人知識和智慧。所以,我們應該多讀書,為我們以後的人生道路打下好的、紮實的基礎!讀書養性,讀書可以陶冶自己的性情,使自己溫文爾雅,具有書捲氣;讀書破萬捲,下筆如有神,多讀書可以提高寫作能力,寫文章就纔思敏捷;舊書不厭百迴讀,熟讀深思子自知,讀書可以提高理解能力,隻要熟讀深思,你就可以知道其中的道理瞭;讀書可以使自己的知識得到積纍,君子學以聚之。總之,愛好讀書是好事。讓我們都來讀書吧。 其實讀書有很多好處,就等有心人去慢慢發現. 最大的好處是可以讓你有屬於自己的本領靠自己生存。 最後在好評一下京東客服服務態度好,送貨相當快,包裝仔細!這個也值得贊美下 希望京東這樣保持下去,越做越好
中學英語拓展閱讀叢書:自然科學係列2 [Timed Readings Plus in Science Book 2] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載