世界名著典藏係列:呼嘯山莊(英文全本) [Wuthering Heights] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
"Nearly ready to run about, Nell!" he replied, putting on a cheer- ful smile.
"And the mistres?" I ventured to inquire; "the doctor says<
> she's-"
"Damn the doctor!" he interrupted, reddening. "Frances is quite fight: she'll be perfectly well by this time next week. Are you going up- stairs? will you tell her that I'll come, if she'll promise not to talk. I left her because she would not hold her tongue; and she must--tell her Mr Kenneth says she must be quiet."
I delivered this message to Mrs Earnshaw: she seemed in flighty spirits, and replied merrily-
"I hardly spoke a word, Ellen, and there he has gone oat twice, crying. Well, say I promise I wou't speak: but that does not bind me not to laugh at him!"
Poor soull Till within a week of her death that gay heart never failed her; and her husband persisted doggedly, nay, furiously, in af- firming her health improved every day. When Kenneth warned him
that his medicines were useless at that stage of the malady, and he needn't put him to further expense by attending her, he retorted---
"I know you need not--she's well--she does not want any more at- tendance from you! She never was in a consumption. It was a fever; and it is gone: her pulse is as slow as mine now, and her cheek as ODOr. "
He told his wife the same story, and she seemed to believe him: but one night, while leaning on his shoulder in the act of saying she thought she should be able to get up tomorrow, a fit of coughing took her-a very slight One--he raised her in his arms; she put her two hands about his neck, her face changed, and she was dead.
As the girl had anticipated, the child Hareton fell wholly into my hands Mr Earnshaw, provided he saw him healthy and never heard him cry, was contented, as far as regarded him. For himscAf, he grew desperate: his sorrow was of that kind that will not lament. He neither wept nor prayed; he cursed and defied: execrated God and man, and gave himself up to reckless dissdpation. The servants could not bear his tyrannical and evil conduct long: Joseph and I were the only two that would stay. I had not the heart to leave my charge; and besides, you know, I had been his foster-sister, and excused his behaviour more readily than a stranger would. Joseph remained to hector over tenants and labourers; and because it was his vocation to be where he had plen- ty of wickedness to reprove.
The master's bad ways and bad companions formed a pretty exam- ple for Catherine and Heathcliff. His treatment of the latter was enough to make a fiend of a saint. And, truly, it appeared as if the lad were possessed of something diabolical at that period. He delighted to witness Hindley degrading himself past redemption; and became daily more notable for savage sullenness and ferocity. I could not half tell what an infernal house we had. The curate dropped calling, and no-body decent came near us, at last; unless Edgar Linton's visits to Miss Cathy might be an exception. At fifteen she was the queen of the coun- try-side; she had no peer; and she did turn out a haughty, headstrong creature! I own I did not like her, after her infancy was past; and I vexed her frequently by trying to bring down her arrogance: she never took an aversion to me, though. She had a wondrous constancy to old attachments: even Heathcliff kept his hold on her affections unalter- ably; and young Linton, with all his superiority, found it difficult to make an equally deep impression. He was my late master: that is his portrait over the fireplace. It used to hang on one side, and his wife's on the other; but her's has been removed, or else you might see some- thing of what she was. Can you make that out?
Mrs Dean raised the candle, and I discerned a soft-featured face, exceedingly resembling the young lady at the Heights, but more pensive and amiable in expression. It formed a sweet picture. The long light hair curled slightly on the temples; the eyes were large and serious; the figure almost too graceful. I did not marvel how Catherine Earnshaw could forget her first friend for such an individual. I marvelled much how he, with a mind to correspond with his person, could fancy my idea of Catherine Earnshaw.
"A very agreeable portrait," I observed to the housekeeper. "Is it like?"
"Yes," she answered; "but he looked better when he was animat- ed; that is his everyday countenance: he wanted spirit in general."
Catherine had kept up her acquaintance with the Lintons since her five weeks' residence among them; and as she had no temptation to show her rough side in their company, and had the sense to be ashamed of being rude where she experienced such invariable courtesy, she im- posed unwittingly on the old lady and gentleman, by her ingenious cor- diality; gained the admiration of Isabella, and the heart and soul of her brother:acquisitions that flattered her from the first,for she was full of ambition,and led her to adopt a double character without exactly in. tending to deceive any one.In the place where she had heard Heath. cliff termed a"vulgar young ruffJan,"and"worse than a brute。"she took care not to act like him;but at home she had small inclination to practise politeness that would only be laughed at,and restrain an unruly nature when it would bring her neither credit nor praise.
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世界名著典藏係列:呼嘯山莊(英文全本) [Wuthering Heights] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載