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Holly Jackson started writing stories from a young age, completing her first (poor) attempt at a novel aged fifteen. She lives in London and aside from reading and writing, she enjoys playing video games and watching true crime documentaries so she can pretend to be a detective. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is her first novel. You can follow Holly on Twitter and Instagram @HoJay92
There is a lot to really enjoy in this story and there is great energy to the writing, as well as some fine characterization. (Peter James, award-winning and no.1 bestselling crime thriller author of Detective Superintendent Roy Grace series)
Prepare to be murdered by this book. Dark, dangerous and intricately plotted – my heart literally pounded. I haven't been this addicted to anything since Serial. Holly Jackson is the next big thing, I promise. (Laura Steven, author of the critically acclaimed The Exact Opposite of Okay)
Twisty, compulsive and so, so, clever (Savannah Brown, author of The Truth About Keeping Secrets)
This book was a delight from start to finish. I laughed. I cried. And I very much enjoyed attempting to solve the case with Pip (who I now want to be my best friend). I didn't guess the twist, and I don't think many people will. Holly Jackson has absolutely killed it with her debut! (Aisha Busby, author of A Pocketful of Stars and contributor to the award-winning A Change is Gonna Come)
That ending! Pure genius (Yasmin Rahman, author of All the Things We Never Said)
In a League of its Own (Lucy Powrie, author of The Paper & Hearts Society)
A Twisty, compelling UK YA debut (Fiona Noble, The Bookseller)
##除瞭高中上課讀東野圭吾…時隔多年的一本ya懸疑小說 好好看 唯一遺憾的是我太想知道凶手是誰 有一部分 在白天看一直在skim reading…
評分 評分##2022/51,This book broke my heart so badly!太久沒有看到這麼精彩的thriller瞭,全書充滿反轉,永遠猜不到下一步會發生什麼事情。最難過的是狗狗Barney和Sal,我哭的好大聲。Pip和Ravi真的是很美好很溫暖的人。我好愛這本書,期待續集!
評分 評分##YA novel
評分##書裏有些氛圍不大一樣,前期調查害怕被發現不久就獨自一人跟蹤毒販子,殺人凶手,女主膽子真是大。結尾雖然很美好,卻又讓人想,這眼前一切之後的事情會是怎樣。書裏的悲劇體現瞭女性可能麵臨的睏境,傢庭語言暴力導緻的過度在意外錶,被下藥強奸,校園霸淩等。女主Pip全程推理智商在綫,想要girl help girl的決心也挺感人,但是並不是如此簡單就能抹去的 一高中女生失蹤未找到遺體,男朋友數日後被發現屍體和手機遺言坦白自己是凶手。五年後一師妹決定調查這個案子,證明男生清白,最後成功並解開案子的故事
評分##不同文本體裁的穿插和人稱的切換十分有代入感!很喜歡最後幾個章節 - 巧妙地收尾瞭主線情節又立起瞭幾個更有層次的角色;還有就是從不同人的敘述/迴憶中拼湊齣一個更複雜的Andie - “in the end it is a story of people with different desperation crashing against each other”,
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