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Edward O. Thorp is the author of the bestseller Beat the Dealer, which transformed the game of blackjack. His subsequent book, Beat the Market, co-authored with Sheen T. Kassouf, influenced securities markets around the globe. Thorp is one of the world’s best blackjack players and investors, and his hedge funds were profitable every year for twenty-nine years. He lives in Newport Beach, California.
The incredible true story of the card-counting mathematics professor who taught the world how to beat the dealer and, as the first of the great quantitative investors, ushered in a revolution on Wall Street.
A child of the Great Depression, legendary mathematician Edward O. Thorp invented card counting, proving the seemingly impossible: that you could beat the dealer at the blackjack table. As a result he launched a gambling renaissance. His remarkable success—and mathematically unassailable method—caused such an uproar that casinos altered the rules of the game to thwart him and the legions he inspired. They barred him from their premises, even put his life in jeopardy. Nonetheless, gambling was forever changed.
Thereafter, Thorp shifted his sights to “the biggest casino in the world”: Wall Street. Devising and then deploying mathematical formulas to beat the market, Thorp ushered in the era of quantitative finance we live in today. Along the way, the so-called godfather of the quants played bridge with Warren Buffett, crossed swords with a young Rudy Giuliani, detected the Bernie Madoff scheme, and, to beat the game of roulette, invented, with Claude Shannon, the world’s first wearable computer.
Here, for the first time, Thorp tells the story of what he did, how he did it, his passions and motivations, and the curiosity that has always driven him to disregard conventional wisdom and devise game-changing solutions to seemingly insoluble problems. An intellectual thrill ride, replete with practical wisdom that can guide us all in uncertain financial waters, A Man for All Markets is an instant classic—a book that challenges its readers to think logically about a seemingly irrational world.
##所以BS model應該叫Thorp Model??? 半本好書 前麵挺有意思,講他的少年讀書生涯,講他博士畢業時如何罔顧"賭場不做賠錢的買賣"的常識,解齣Blackjack而名噪一時,講他怎樣自學證券交易,成為最早的quant並建立瞭hedge fund且從未虧過。這種完全仰仗智商的行為,讀來並不令人心馳神往,但也不得不服人傢就是這麼牛...
評分##想做 quant...
評分 評分 評分##① 真奇怪,我自己是價值信徒,堅持從商業模式和基本麵去理解公司,但是我至今看完的兩本投資大師的傳記,卻偏偏是利弗莫爾和索普的。投機分子身上總有點吸引人的東西。相較而言,巴菲特和芒格被他們自己修飾地太好看瞭。 ② 當然,巴菲特雖然也聰明絕頂,但之於我等庸眾,已經...
評分 評分##隻要是傳記我就喜歡..自傳要區分哪裏是坦白的;遮遮掩掩,修飾得自己一無弊病的人,他的話是不可信的
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