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About the Author
The son of a German mother and a Hungarian father who fled the country in 1956, Timur Vermes was born in Nuremberg in 1967. He studied history and politics and went on to become a journalist. He has written for the Abendzeitung and the Cologne Express and worked for various magazines. He has ghostwritten several books since 2007. This is his first novel.
ABOUT THE TRANSLATOR: Jamie Bulloch's translations include Ruth Maier's Diary, Portrait of a Mother as a Young Women by F. C. Delius, and novels by Paulus Hochgatterer and Daniel Glattauer.
Timur Vermes' record-breaking bestseller, Look Who's Back, is a satirical novel that imagines what would happen if Hilter reawakened in present-day Germany. The book was a massive success in Germany, selling more than 1.5 million copies. Janet Maslin of The New York Times called Look Who's Back"desperately funny . . . an ingenious comedy of errors."
In the novel, Adolf Hitler wakes up in 2011 from a 66-year sleep in his subterranean Berlin bunker to find the Germany he knew entirely changed: Internet-driven media spreads ideas in minutes and fumes celebrity obsession; immigration has produced multicultural neighborhoods bringing together people of varying race, ethnicity, and religion; and the most powerful person in government is a woman. Hitler is immediately recognized . . . as an impersonator of uncommon skill. The public assumes the fulminating leader of the Nazi party is a performer who is always in character, and soon his inevitable viral appeal begets YouTube stardom, begets television celebrity on a Turkish-born comedian's show. His bigoted rants are mistaken for a theatrical satire-exposing prejudice and misrepresentation-and his media success emboldens Hitler to start his own political party, and set the country he finds a shambles back to rights.
With daring and dark humor, Look Who's Back skewers the absurdity and depravity of the cult of personality in modern media culture.
##Look Who's Back: parasite 當羊群裏混著一隻披著羊皮的狼 當所有人都一葉障目 死到臨頭瞭還一笑置之的時候 畢加索的視角可以是美 但所有人都處在一個扭麯的空間時 對與錯已然成瞭笑話 病態成瞭常態 現在想想德意誌相不相信眼淚——德意誌覺得不好笑 德意誌瘋瞭
評分 評分##元首穿越瞭,他很不滿意。“我們國傢的大好青年,整天隻會低頭看手機。總有一天我要禁止生産這種邪惡的設備。不,我要把它們留給那些劣等民族,強製他們使用!哦那個跟在她的狗身後撿狗屎的瘋女人,一定是孕育孩子的渴望太過強烈,她纔發瞭神經。”這本用第一人稱敘述的元首叨逼叨語錄口無遮攔地諷刺瞭各種社會現狀,有些梗需要對於非德國人士來說可能有點難get。
評分##This book is terribly funny.
評分##Look Who's Back: parasite 當羊群裏混著一隻披著羊皮的狼 當所有人都一葉障目 死到臨頭瞭還一笑置之的時候 畢加索的視角可以是美 但所有人都處在一個扭麯的空間時 對與錯已然成瞭笑話 病態成瞭常態 現在想想德意誌相不相信眼淚——德意誌覺得不好笑 德意誌瘋瞭
評分##正在讀,挺好玩的,近年來少有的讀起來很有趣的德語書。難怪在德國賣得挺火。 用語簡單,內容頁很吸引人,適閤德語初學者閱讀。 從亞馬遜上買瞭kindle版,睡前看幾段還是很不錯的。 而且,正在聯係國內的齣版社,試試看能不能翻譯一下在國內齣版,各位期待此書的敬請靜候佳...
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