【現貨速發 AP宏觀經濟學5分製勝 英文 美國課堂教材 AP考試指定輔導教程基礎培訓AP教材 AP宏 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
作 者:(美)道奇 編著 齣 版 社:西安交通大學齣版社
齣版時間:2013-6-1 版 次:1 頁 數:366 字 數:327000 印刷時間:2013-6-1 開 本:大16開 紙 張:膠版紙 印 次:1 I S B N:9787560552446 包 裝:平裝 重量:830g :75元 《AP微觀/宏觀經濟學5分製勝》引進自美國知名教育齣版公司McGraw-Hill Education,由AP考試相關領域專傢編寫,是美國本土大學課堂使用教材,可以幫助考生提前適應全英學習模式。此係列中,AP各學科分冊緊扣考試命題特點,以“五步”方案為學習框架,囊括與考試相關的學科要點。同時,還精選針對性練習以及全真模擬試題,配以準確答案和詳盡解析,利於考生鞏固所學,緊抓重點,取得高分。 STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program 1 What You Need to Know About the AP Economics Exams 2 How to Plan Your Time STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness 3 Take Diagnostic Exams Diagnostic Exam: AP Microeconomics Diagnostic Exam: AP Macroeconomics STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success 4 How to Approach Each Question Type Section Ⅰ: Multiple-Choice Questions Section Ⅱ: Free-Response Questions STEP 4 Review the Knowle You Need to Score High 5 Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Scarce Resources Production Possibilities Functions of Economic Systems 6 Demand Supply Market Equilibrium and Welfare Analysis Demand Supply Market Equilibrium Welfare Analysis 7 Elasticity Microeconomic Policy and Consumer Theory Elasticity Microeconomic Policy and Applications of Elasticity Consumer Choice 8 The Firm Profit and the Costs of Production Firms Opportunity Costs and Profits Production and Cost 9 Market Structures Perfect Competition Monopoly and ThingsBetween Perfect Competition Monopoly Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly 10 Factor Markets Factor Demand Least-Cost Hiring of Multiple Inputs Factor Supply and Market Equilibrium Imperfect Competition in Product and Factor Markets 11 Public Goods Externalities and the Role of Government Public Goods and Spillover Benefits Pollution and Spillover Costs Income Distribution and Tax Structures 12 Macroeconomic Measures of Performance The Circular Flow Model Accounting for Output and Income Inflation and the Consumer Price Index Unemployment 13 Consumption Saving Investment and the Multiplier Consumption and Saving Investment The Multiplier Effect 14 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Aggregate Demand (AD) Aggregate Supply (AS) 【現貨速發 AP宏觀經濟學5分製勝 英文 美國課堂教材 AP考試指定輔導教程基礎培訓AP教材 AP宏 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書【現貨速發 AP宏觀經濟學5分製勝 英文 美國課堂教材 AP考試指定輔導教程基礎培訓AP教材 AP宏 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載