深入理解計算機係統:英文版 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
圖書基本信息 | |
圖書名稱 | 深入理解計算機係統:英文版 |
作者 | 蘭德爾 E.布萊恩特 |
定價 | 239.00元 |
齣版社 | 機械工業齣版社 |
ISBN | 9787111561279 |
齣版日期 | 2017-04-01 |
字數 | 500000 |
頁碼 | 1045 |
版次 | 1 |
裝幀 | 平裝-膠訂 |
開本 | 16開 |
商品重量 | 0.4Kg |
內容簡介 | |
本書從程序員的視角詳細闡述計算機係統的本質概念,並展示這些概念如何實實在在地影響應用程序的正確性、性能和實用性。全書共12章,主要包括信息的錶示和處理、程序的機器級錶示、處理器體係結構、優化程序性能、存儲器層次結構、鏈接、異常控製流、虛擬存儲器、係統級I/O、網絡編程、並發編程等內容。書中提供瞭大量的例子和練習題,並給齣部分答案,有助於讀者加深對正文所述概念和知識的理解。 |
作者簡介 | |
Randal E. Bryant 1973年獲得密歇根大學學士學位,隨即就讀麻省理工學院的研究生院,並在1981年獲得計算機博士學位。從1984年至今一直任教於卡內基-梅隆大學,現在是卡內基-梅隆大學計算機科學學院院長、教授,同時受邀任教於工學院電子與計算機工程係。他還是ACM院士、IEEE院士和美國國傢工程院院士。其研究成果獲得過數項大奬,其中包括Semiconductor Research Corporation頒發的兩個發明榮譽奬和一個技術成就奬,ACM頒發的Kanellakis理論與實踐奬,還有IEEE頒發的W. R. G. Baker奬、Emmanuel Piore奬和Phil Kaufman奬。 David R. O,Hallaron 擁有弗吉尼亞大學計算機科學博士學位,現為Intel匹茲堡實驗室主任,卡內基-梅隆大學計算機科學和電子與計算機工程副教授。他曾獲得卡內基-梅隆大學計算機科學學院頒發的Herbert Simon傑齣教學奬,並同Quake項目中其他成員一起獲得瞭高性能計算領域中的高國際奬項——Gordon Bell奬。 |
目錄 | |
Contents Preface xix About the Authors xxxv 1 A Tour of Computer Systems 1 1.1Information Is Bits Context 3 1.2Programs Are Translated by Other Programs into Different Forms 4 1.3It Pays to Understand How Compilation Systems Work 6 1.4Processors Read and Interpret Instructions Stored in Memory 7 1.4.1Hardware Organization of a System 8 1.4.2Running the helloProgram 10 1.5Caches Matter 11 1.6Storage Devices Form a Hierarchy 14 1.7The Operating System Manages the Hardware 14 1.7.1Processes 15 1.7.2Threads 17 1.7.3Virtual Memory 18 1.7.4Files 19 1.8Systems Communicate with Other Systems Using Networks 19 1.9Important Themes 22 1.9.1Amdahl’s Law 22 1.9.2Concurrency and Parallelism 24 1.9.3The Importance of Abstractions in Computer Systems 26 1.10Summary 27 Bibliographic Notes 28 Solutions to Practice Problems 28 Part I Program Structure and Execution 2 Representing and Manipulating Information 31 2.1Information Storage 34 2.1.1Hexadecimal Notation 36 2.1.2Data Sizes 39 2.1.3 Addressing and Byte Ordering 42 2.1.4 Representing Strings 49 2.1.5 Representing Code 49 2.1.6 Introduction to Boolean Algebra 50 2.1.7 Bit-Level Operations in C 54 2.1.8 Logical Operations in C 56 2.1.9 Shift Operations in C 57 2.2 Integer Representations 59 2.2.1 Integral Data Types 60 2.2.2 Unsigned Encodings 62 2.2.3 Two’s-Complement Encodings 64 2.2.4 Conversions between Signed and Unsigned 70 2.2.5 Signed versus Unsigned in C 74 2.2.6 Expanding the Bit Representation of a Number 76 2.2.7 Truncating Numbers 81 2.2.8 Advice on Signed versus Unsigned 83 2.3 Integer Arithmetic 84 2.3.1 Unsigned Addition 84 2.3.2 Two’s-Complement Addition 90 2.3.3 Two’s-Complement Negation 95 2.3.4 Unsigned Multiplication 96 2.3.5 Two’s-Complement Multiplication 97 2.3.6 Multiplying by Constants 101 2.3.7 Dividing by Powers of 2 103 2.3.8 Final Thoughts on Integer Arithmetic 107 2.4 Floating Point 108 2.4.1 Fractional Binary Numbers 109 2.4.2 IEEE Floating-Point Representation 112 2.4.3 Example Numbers 115 2.4.4 Rounding 120 2.4.5 Floating-Point Operations 122 2.4.6 Floating Point in C 124 2.5 Summary 126 Bibliographic Notes 127 Homework Problems 128 Solutions to Practice Problems 143 3 Machine-Level Representation of Programs 163 3.1 A Historical Perspective 166 3.2Program Encodings 169 3.2.1Machine-Level Code 170 3.2.2Code Examples 172 3.2.3Notes on Formatting 175 3.3Data Formats 177 3.4Accessing Information 179 3.4.1Operand Speci.ers 180 3.4.2Data Movement Instructions 182 3.4.3Data Movement Example 186 3.4.4Pushing and Popping Stack Data 189 3.5Arithmetic and Logical Operations 191 3.5.1Load Effective Address 191 3.5.2Unary and Binary Operations 194 3.5.3Shift Operations 194 3.5.4Discussion 196 3.5.5Special Arithmetic Operations 197 3.6Control 200 3.6.1Condition Codes 201 3.6.2Accessing the Condition Codes 202 3.6.3Jump Instructions 205 3.6.4Jump Instruction Encodings 207 深入理解計算機係統:英文版 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 深入理解計算機係統:英文版 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 用戶評價
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