现货正版 罗热英语同义词词典 英文原版 英英字典辞典 Roget's International T pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
书名:Roget’s International Thesaurus, 7th Edition 罗热国际英语同义词词典(第7版)
作者:Barbara Ann Kipfer
出版社名称:HarperCollins Publisher
商品尺寸:18.5x5.8 x23.2 cm
Roget’s International Thesaurus《罗热国际英语同义词词典》本书共收词32.5万条,均为英语中常用的词汇,涉及日常生活的方方面面。每个词条包括发音、拼写、词义、词源和同义词等注释。词条释义简明,逾1072则检索词条,并附有词条检索指南。本书以它的性和实用性成为广大英语工作者和学习者的工具书。
Roget’s International Thesaurus® is the ultimate cure for tip-of-the-tongue-it is.
·Easy To Use:Unlike alphabetical thesauruses, Roget’s International Thesaurus® works the same way your brain does. First, you figure out the general category: Are you looking for a word related to values and ideals? Measure and shape? Then, look up the keywords to find the exact entry you’re seeking. Plus, thousands of cross-references throughout lead to other helpful categories.
·Comprehensive: More than 325,000 words and phrases in 1,072 categories compose this new edition of Roget’s, including the newest slang words and expressions. In addition, hundreds of supplemental word lists supply the names of things that have no synonyms (wines, weapons, animals, state mottoes, and more).
·Better Than The Rest
Roget’s International Thesaurus《罗热国际英语同义词词典》本书收录英语常用词汇32.5万条,检索词条1070条,词条支持交叉检索,并附有生活类专有词汇表。释义简明,检索方便快捷,方便英语工作者及学习者在书面表达时能够快速选择准确合适的词汇。
The most up-to-date edition of the world’s bestselling thesaurus, Roget’s International Thesaurus, 7thEdition gives writers of all levels an unparalleled aid in using language with precision, grace, and power. The most comprehensive, user-friendly thesaurus available, Roget’s features more than 325,000 words and phrases, including more than 2,000 all-new entries that reflect the very latest in culture and technology, from “alpha male” to “zero tolerance.” The seventh edition has reduced archaic terminology and added 50 new word lists, providing greater ease-of-use and accessibility than any other writer’s reference book on the market. An indispensable asset for students, writers, reporters, and editors, Roget’s International Thesaurus, 7th Edition is your key to unlocking the power of language.
Barbara Ann Kipfer, Ph.D., is a lexicographer who has authored or compiled more than forty books, including theDictionary of American Slang (with Robert L. Chapman),The Order of Things,Writer’s Digest Flip Dictionary, and the bestselling14,000 Things to Be Happy About. She received her doctorate in linguistics from England’s University of Exeter.
Biography of Peter Mark Roget彼得·马克·罗热传记
How to Use This Book使用指南
Peter Roget’s Preface to the First Edition彼特·罗热前言(第1版)
Foreword by Barbara Ann Kipfer, Ph.D.芭芭拉?安?基普弗前言
Synopsis of Categories大纲分类
Abbreviations used in This Book书中所使用的缩略词
Thesaurus of English Word and Phrases英语词汇及短语辞典
How to Use This Index索引使用指南
In developing this new edition. I chose to focus on the modernity and scope of the language coverage in the sixth edition ofRoget’s International Thesaurus®. We live in the Internet Age, making theInternational Thesaurus ever more valuable. It can now be used in the wording of queries for search engines accessing the World Wide Web. To this end, I haveincluded as many new words and phrases as possible from general vocabulary to scientific and technological terms.
The lists have been revised to add new terms, delete obsolete ones, and expand treatment. Quotations were retained if they could conceivably be valuable in a user’s writings. Otherwise, unuseful quotations and outdated terms were set aside to makeroom for new synonyms, additional synonyms, and new lists.
现货正版 罗热英语同义词词典 英文原版 英英字典辞典 Roget's International T pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载