正版新书 不平凡的生活 英文版 反映了各行各业的中国人的精神面貌向外国读者介绍中国书籍 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
产品基本信息 | 系列名 |
| 书名 | 不平凡的生活(英) |
| 作者 | 《环球时报》英文版 |
| ISBN | 978-7-5104-6394-5 |
| 开本 | 16开(165*230) |
| 印张 | 13 |
| 定价 | 98.00 元 |
| 装帧 | 平装 |
| 单色、双色 | 四色 |
| 出版时间 | 2017.8 |
| 出版社 | 新世界出版社 |
内容简介 | 本书内容选自《环球时报》英文版的人物专栏中20余位典型人物的事迹,分为社会、校园、文化、科技四章,向读者展现了来自中国各行各业的人士,他们有的乐于挑战,有的勇于追逐常人嘲笑的梦想,有的关注农民工利益,有的致力于维护民族团结。全书通过对这些人物的描写,刻画了当今中国的社会百态。 |
目录 | I. Society 1. In Defense of the Party 2. Villager Wins Fame for Portrayal of Anti-corruption Drive 3. Doctors without Barriers 4. The Price of Honesty 5. A Promise to a Dying Man 6. Remembering a Hero 7. Taiwan Mother of Transsexual Man Helps Mainland Parents Learn to Accept Their Kids 8. French Art Expert Battles to Bring Looted Relics Back to China 9. Million Prize Gamer II. Campus 10. Canadian School Gives Wings to Amputee Chinese Girl 11. Student Helps Kidnapped Uyghur Children Find Home 12. Former College Student Gets a Grip after Gaming Addiction 13. Professor Tries to Encourage Critical Mindset among Students 14. Student Tackles Dishonest Food Manufacturers, Safety Scandals III. Culture 15. Wang Jiang Dedicates Himself to Recording Uyghur Traditional Music 16. Room for Improvement: Artist Gives Beijing Basements a Creative Makeover 17. From Village Girl to Fashion Iconoclast 18. Classical Pianist Inspires Through Modern Software 19. Hidden Among the Himalayas 20. Professor Risks All to Protect Vanishing Ancient Towns 21. 79-year-old Artist’s Buff Physique Brings Him Fame 22. Beijing a Top Spot for Birdwatching, says British Conservationist 23. French Photographer Documents Decades of Changes in China IV. Science and Technology 24. Returning Doctor Explores Field of Head Transplants 25. Out of This World 26. Hopeful Mars Traveler Torn Between Dreams and Family 27. Top Scientist Shows How Smog Amplified Flooding in SW China 28. Hero of Jiaolong Seeks New Frontiers of Deep-sea Marine Science |
正版新书 不平凡的生活 英文版 反映了各行各业的中国人的精神面貌向外国读者介绍中国书籍 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载