原版美國國傢地理兒童百科分級讀物 英文原版 National Geographic KIDS pr pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
書名:National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers 14冊
作者:Susan B. Neuman等
齣版社名稱:National Geographic Children’s Books
商品尺寸:每冊約15.2 x 0.3 x 22.9 cm
頁數:24頁/冊x 14冊
National Geographic《國傢地理》是美國國傢地理學會的官方雜誌,在國傢地理學會1888年成立後的9個月開始發行第1期。現在國傢地理已經成為世界上廣為人知的一本雜誌,其封麵上的亮黃色邊框及月桂紋圖樣已經成為其象徵,同時這些標識也是國傢地理的注冊商標。
National Geographic總是能提供我們令人震撼的影像,從大自然、動物,到人文,紀錄瞭這個地球上不同地區、不同物種、不同文化的生存之美。《國傢地理》近韆分之一的選片率雖然顯得苛刻,但一大批充滿理想和浪漫主義的攝影師、記者在這裏誕生,而那些有靈魂有激情的作品則往往代錶瞭一種標準。在大多數讀者眼中,國傢地理雜誌意味著、科學性、準官方,它更像是一本百科全書而不僅僅是一本雜誌。
Susan B. Neumanis a professor and Chair of Teaching and Learning in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University specializing in early literacy development. Previously, she served on the faculty of the University of Michigan and before that as the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education. In her role as Assistant Secretary, she established the Early Reading First program, developed the Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program, and was responsible for all the activities in Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Act. She has served on the IARA Board of Directors (2001-2003) and is currently the editor of Reading Research Quarterly. She has written more than 100 articles and authored and edited 11 books, including the Handbook of Early Literacy Research Volumes 1-3 with David Dickenson, Changing the Odds for Children at Risk(Teachers College Press, 2009), Educating the Other America (Brookes, 2008), Giving Our Children a Fighting Chance: Poverty, Literacy, and the Development of Information Capital (Teachers College Press, 2012), and All About Words: Improving Children’s Vocabulary in the Age of Common Core Standards, preK through Grade 2.
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Hop, Bunny! Explore the Forest
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Sleep, Bear!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Buzz, Bee!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Go Cub!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Jump Pup!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Hoot, Owl!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Flutter, Butterfly!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Hang on Monkey!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Dive, Dolphin
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Play, Kitty!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Trot, Pony!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Peek, Otter
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Slither, Snake!
National Geographic KIDS pre-Readers: Race Day!
原版美國國傢地理兒童百科分級讀物 英文原版 National Geographic KIDS pr pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載