Princeton Lectures in Analysis I
Fourier Analysis: An Introduction
作 者:Elias M.Stein,Rami Shakarchi 著
出 版 社:世界图书出版公司
- 版 次:1
- 页 数:311
- 字 数:
- 印刷时间:2013-1-1
- 开 本:24开
- 纸 张:胶版纸
- 印 次:1
- I S B N:9787510040559
- 包 装:平装
- 定价:59.00
Chapter 1. The Genesis of Fourier Analysis
1 The vibrating string
2 The heat equation
3 Exercises
4 Problem
Chapter 2. Basic Properties of Fourier Series
1 Examples and formulation of the problem
2 Uniqueness of Fourier series
3 Convolutions
4 Good kernels
5 Cesaro and Abel summability:applications to Fourier series
6 Exercises
7 Problem
Chapter 3. Covergence of Fourier Series
1 Mean-square convergence of Fourier Series
2 Return to Pointwise Convergence
3 Exercises
4 Problem
Chapter 4. Some Applications of Fourier Series
1 The isoperimetric inequality
2 Weyl's equidistribution theorem
3 A Continuous but nowhere differentiable function
4 The heat equation on the circle
5 Exercises
7 Problems
Chapter 5. The Fourier Transform on R
1 Elementary theory of the Fourier transform
2 Applictions to some partial differential equations
3 The poisson summation formula
4 The Heisenberg uncertainty principle
5 Exercises
6 Problems
Chapter 6. The Fourier Transform on Rd
1 Preliminaries
2 Elementary of the Fourier transform
3 The wave equation in Rd×R
Chapter 7 Finite Fourier Analysis
Chapter 8 Dirichlet's Theorem
Appendix: Integration
Notes and References
Symbol Glossary
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