租船實務與法律(雙語教材) Practice and Law :Charter Parti pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Chapter 1 General Introduction
Section 1 General Introduction of Tramp Shipping (I)
1.1 What is tramp shipping?
1.2 Characteristics of tramp shipping
1.3 Kinds of tramp shipping
Section 2 General Introduction of Tramp Shipping (II)
2.1 What is chartering?
2.2 Different kinds of chartering
2.3 Differences between time charter and voyage charter
Section 3 Charter Party
3.1 The meaning of charter party
3.2 Voyage Charter Party
3.3 Time Charter Party
3.4 Bareboat Charter Party
Section 4 Entering into CP & Standard Form
4.1 Making of CP: chartering broker
4.2 Forms of CP
Section 5 Law and Shipping Customs Relating to Charter Parties
5.1 Application of Chinese Maritime Code
5.2 International Shipping Practices
Section 6 Chartering Market
6.1 Purpose on learning the chartering market
6.2 Kinds of freight markets
Chapter 2 Voyage Charter Party
Section 1 Representations under Voyage Charter Party
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Representations and misrepresentations
Section 2 Main Provisions on Representation
Section 3 Preliminary Voyage & LoadingDischarging
3.1 Preliminary voyage
3.2 Loadingdischarging clause
Section 4 Duties of the Charterer to Provide Cargo
4.1 Sorts of cargo
4.2 Quantity of cargo
4.3 Specified duties of the charterer
Section 5 Laytime Demurrage Dispatch Money (I)
5.1 Understanding of Laytime
5.2 Definition of"days" as laytime
Section 6 Layfime Demurrage Dispatch Money (II)
6.1 Commencement and end of laytime
6.2 Problems arising from berth contract
Section 7 LaytimeDemurrageDispatch Money (III)
7.1 Definition of DemurrageDispatch Money
7.2 Calculation
Section 8 Other Clauses under GENCON 1994
8.1 Responsibilities and exceptions of shipowner
8.2 Deviation clause
租船實務與法律(雙語教材) Practice and Law :Charter Parti 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
租船實務與法律(雙語教材) Practice and Law :Charter Parti pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載