高等数学竞赛:1962-1991年米洛克斯.史怀哲竞赛 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
商品名称: 高等数学竞赛:1962-1991年米洛克斯.史怀哲竞赛 | 出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 | 出版时间:2017-08-01 |
作者:伽伯.舍克里 | 译者: | 开本: 32开 |
定价: 128.00 | 页数: | 印次: 1 |
ISBN号:9787560368412 | 商品类型:图书 | 版次: 1 |
The Schweitzer competitiois one of the most unique ithe world.Win-ners of the contests have gone oto become world-class scientists.Thus,the Schweitzer Conetsts are of interest to both math historians and mathe-maticians of all ages.They serve sa reflections of Hungariamathematical trends and as starting points for many interesting research problems imathematics.The Schweitzer problems betwee1949 and 1961 were previ-ously published under the title Contests iHigher Mathematics,1949-1961(Akademiai kiado,Budapest,1968Chapter4 of this book summarizes the mathematical work of M.Schweitzer).Our book is a continuatioof that volume.
高等数学竞赛:1962-1991年米洛克斯.史怀哲竞赛 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载