[現貨]GRE考試官方指南:第3版 GRE OG GRE官指寫作 ETS GRE模擬題 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
書 名: GRE考試官方指南:第3版
作 者:ETS(美國教育考試服務中心)編著
齣 版 社:群言齣版社
I S B N :9787519302788
版 次:2017年10月第1版第1次印刷
開 本:16開
頁 碼:600頁
定 價:138.00元
重 量:約1241g
《GRE考試官方指南:第3版》首先概述GRE官方考試信息,包括考試內容、考試流程、考試策略以及評分標準等。然後,分三大部分講解分析性寫作(Analytical Writing)、文字推理(Verbal Reasoning)和數量推理(Quantitative Reasoning)。每部分都分類介紹考試題型,結閤典型例題剖析題目特點並給齣解題策略,還輔以適量練習。zuihou,提供4套全真模擬題,2套在紙版書中,2套為網上操作,供考生自測並熟悉GRE實考環境。
How to Use This Book xi
1 About the GRE ® General Test 1
Introduction 1
Structure and Content of the Test 2
Preparing for the Test 4
Test-taking Strategies for the Computer-delivered Test 4
Test-taking Strategies for the Paper-delivered Test 6
Understanding GRE Scoring 7
2 GRE ® Analytical Writing 11
Overview of the Analytical Writing Measure 11
Preparing for the Analytical Writing Measure 12
General Strategies 12
Analyze an Issue Task 13
Analyze an Argument Task 25
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze an Issue 37
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze an Argument 39
Score Level Descriptions 41
3 GRE ® Verbal Reasoning 43
Overview of the Verbal Reasoning Measure 43
Verbal Reasoning Question Types 43
4 GRE ® Verbal Reasoning
Practice Questions 53
SET 1. Discrete Questions: Easy 54
SET 2. Reading Comprehension Questions: Easy 56
SET 3. Discrete Questions: Medium 60
SET 4. Reading Comprehension Questions: Medium 63
SET 5. Discrete Questions: Hard 68
SET 6. Reading Comprehension Questions: Hard 71
Answer Key 75
Answers and Explanations 77
5 GRE ® Quantitative Reasoning 107
Overview of the Quantitative Reasoning Measure 107
General Problem-solving Steps 108
Quantitative Reasoning Question Types 113
Using the Calculator 134
Mathematical Conventions for the Quantitative Reasoning Measure
of the GRE General Test 138
6 GRE ® Quantitative Reasoning
Practice Questions 153
SET 1. Discrete Questions: Easy 155
SET 2. Discrete Questions: Medium 160
SET 3. Discrete Questions: Hard 165
SET 4. Data Interpretation Sets 171
Answer Key 174
Answers and Explanations 176
7 GRE ® Math Review 217
Part 1: Arithmetic 218
Part 2: Algebra 235
Part 3: Geometry 266
Part 4: Data Analysis 285
8 GRE ® Practice Test 1 327
Section 1: Analytical Writing 328
Section 2: Analytical Writing 330
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning 333
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning 342
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning 353
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning 361
Evaluating Your Performance 369
Answer Key 371
Score Conversion Table 375
Analytical Writing Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries 377
Section 1: Analyze an Issue 377
Section 2: Analyze an Argument 384
Answers and Explanations 391
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning 391
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning 405
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning 420
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning 437
9 GRE ® Practice Test 2 455
Section 1: Analytical Writing 456
Section 2: Analytical Writing 458
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning 461
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning 470
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning 480
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning 488
Evaluating Your Performance 497
Answer Key 499
Score Conversion Table 503
Analytical Writing Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries 505
Section 1: Analyze an Issue 505
Section 2: Analyze an Argument 513
Answers and Explanations 520
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning 520
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning 536
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning 551
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning 570
[現貨]GRE考試官方指南:第3版 GRE OG GRE官指寫作 ETS GRE模擬題 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載