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美國直郵 威爾遜(Wilson) Dyson Pure Cool Link空氣淨化器 |
Dyson Pure Cool Link Air Purifier |
所有商品中文信息為計算機自動翻譯,如有存疑信息,請核對下方英文原稿內容 |
戴森純淨的冷卻功能可自動從您的傢庭中除去99.97%的過敏原和小於0.3微米的汙染物。它也擺脫瞭花粉細菌和寵物皮屑。戴森純淨的冷鏈式淨化器風扇用360度真空密封的玻璃HEPA過濾器包裹。有一層活性炭顆粒捕獲氣味和有害毒素如油漆煙霧。這樣一來,您可以在全年享受淨化和夏季淨化風扇。它還會自動監控反應並進行淨化,然後報告給Dyson鏈接應用程序。有瞭這個,你可以遠程控製你的環境。它還具有夜間自動模式和簡單的更換過濾器。它包括不包括過濾器的零件和人工兩年維護期。 |
The Dyson pure cool automatically removes 99.97 percent of allergens and pollutants as small as 0.3 microns from your home. It also gets rid of pollen bacteria and pet dander. The Dyson pure cool link purifier fan is wrapped with a 360-degree vacuum-sealed glass HEPA filter. There is a layer of activated carbon granules captures odors and harmful toxins like paint fumes. In this way you get purification all year round and a purifying fan in summer. It also automatically monitors reacts and purifies and then reports to your Dyson link app. With this you can remotely control your environment. It also has a nighttime auto mode and an easy change filter. It includes a two-year warranty on parts and labor excluding the filter. |
Dyson Pure Cool Link空氣淨化器: 自動從傢中去除過敏原和汙染物 用360度真空密封的玻璃HEPA過濾器包裹 全年淨化 在夏天成為一個淨化風扇 智能淨化自動監測器將您的Dyson鏈接應用程序的報告和淨化報告 夜間自動模式 零件和人工2年維護期(不包括過濾器) |
Dyson Pure Cool Link Air Purifier: Automatically removes allergens and pollutants from your home Wrapped with a 360-degreevacuum-sealed glass HEPA filter Get purification all year round Becomes a purifying fan in summer Intelligent purification automatically monitorsreacts and purifiesthen reports to your Dyson link app Night-time auto mode 2-year warranty on parts and labor (excludes filter) |
規格錶: 品牌:戴森 材質:塑料 製造商零件編號:305158-01 型號:305158-01 推薦位置:室內 |
Specifications Brand:Dyson Material:Plastic Manufacturer Part Number:305158-01 Model:305158-01 Recommended Location:Indoor |
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