美国直邮 Sick Bricks 卡通积木拼接玩具 怪物与城市/空间与忍者 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
美国直邮 Sick Bricks 怪物与城市空间与忍者 |
Sick Bricks, 10 Character Pack, Monsters vs. City/Space vs. Ninja |
所有商品中文信息为计算机自动翻译,如有存疑信息,请核对下方英文原稿内容 |
警告 - 窒息危险 - 3岁以下儿童 该玩具不适合3岁以下的年龄。它包含一个或多个以下项目:大理石 |
Warning - Choking Hazard - Children Under 3 This toy is not suitable for ages under 3 years. It contains one or more of the following items: marbles |
在他的轨道上阻止犯罪分子与Kuffowitz和他强大的执法口哨。或者直接用高压灭火器和他的气手榴弹。你见过Vlad Von Vein吗他几个世纪以前,但却不会闻到这样的味道!当所有其他的失败都转向Rotten Walker的大脑胆汁毒药或者Stanley Screamer,他们用尖叫使敌人变得怪异!释放Socky Rockfoot品脱大小的动力活塞与尼姑卡盘,没有人能逃脱。将Xeno Mite的武器设置为“争夺”,当您向敌人发射外星蛋。潜入静静阴影的武术大师。用Redzone Ranger下降激光火焰和挥舞武士剑士的刀片,以纪念正义和偶尔的腊肠三明治。如果你需要更多的力量,混合搭配他们的头部和身体,并将其束缚在游戏中,以解锁100个新的组合角色!完全生病了!用肮脏的砖块吸入游戏! |
Stop criminals in their tracks with Officer Kuffowitz and his mighty law-enforcing whistle. Or get straight up gassy with SWAT Cop and his gas grenades. Have you met Vlad Von Vein? He's centuries old but manages not to smell that way! And when all else fails turn to Rotten Walker's brain bile poison or Stanley Screamer who uses his shriek to make enemies freak! Unleash Socky Rockfoot the pint-sized power piston of fury with nun chucks that no one can escape. Set Xeno Mite's weapons to "scramble" as you launch alien eggs at enemies. Sneak with Silent Shadow the master of martial arts. Rain down laser fire with Redzone Ranger and swing Samurai Swordsmaster's blade for honor justice and the occasional salami sandwich. And if you need even more powers just mix and match their heads and bodies and beam them into the game to unlock 100 new combo-characters! It's totally sick! Get sucked into the game with Sick Bricks! |
怪物与城市/空间与忍者: 与杰克·正义和病态砖结合,阻止邪恶的欧米茄和他的恶魔和外星人的摧毁它们 建立你的生病砖块角色,然后使用您的智能手机或平板电脑(设备单独销售)将其束缚在免费的Sick Bricks游戏 病ricks ricks Up Up Pack Pack Pack ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory ory 在他的轨道上阻止犯罪分子与Kuffowitz和他强大的执法口哨 或者直接用高压灭火器和他的气手榴弹 弗拉德·冯·维因(Vlad Von Vein)已经有几个世纪的历史了 当所有其他的失败都转向Rotten Walker的大脑胆汁毒药或者Stanley Screamer,他们用尖叫来制造敌人的怪胎 释放Socky Rockfoot品脱大小的动力活塞与尼姑卡盘,没有人可以逃脱 将Xeno Mite的武器设置为“争夺”,当您向敌人发射外星蛋 潜入静静阴影的武术大师 用Redzone Ranger下降激光火焰和武士武士剑士的刀片,为了正义和偶尔的腊肠三明治 如果你需要更多的权力混合搭配他们的头部和身体,并将其束缚在游戏中,以解锁100个新的组合角色 |
Sick Bricks10 Character PackMonsters vs. City/Space vs. Ninja: Join forces with Jack Justice and the Sick Bricks to stop the Evil Omega and his goons of mutantsmonsters and aliens from destroying it Build your Sick Bricks character and then use your smartphone or tablet (device sold separately) to beam it into the free Sick Bricks game The Sick Bricks Team Up Pack gives you 10X the Sick Bricks Figures to battle against the evil goons and bring the city back to its former glory Stop criminals in their tracks with Officer Kuffowitz and his mighty law-enforcing whistle Or get straight up gassy with SWAT Cop and his gas grenades Vlad Von Vein is centuries oldbut manages not to smell that way And when all else fails turn to Rotten Walker's brain bile poison or Stanley Screamer who uses his shriek to make enemies freak Unleash Socky Rockfootthe pint-sized power piston of fury with nun chucks that no one can escape Set Xeno Mite's weapons to "scramble" as you launch alien eggs at enemies Sneak with Silent Shadow the master of martial arts Rain down laser fire with Redzone Ranger and swing Samurai Swordsmaster's blade for honorjustice and the occasional salami sandwich And if you need even more powersjust mix and match their heads and bodies and beam them into the game to unlock 100 new combo-characters |
规格表: 性格:生病的砖 品牌:Sick Bricks 主题:电视 性别:男 材质:其它 |
Specifications Character:sick bricks Brand:Sick Bricks Subject:Television Gender:Boys Material:Other |
美国直邮 Sick Bricks 卡通积木拼接玩具 怪物与城市/空间与忍者 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载