美国直邮 Quality Park信封250张/盒 目录信封,9 x 12,棕色牛皮纸,250 /盒 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
美国直邮 QualityPark目录信封912棕色牛皮纸 一盒250个 |
Quality Park Catalog Envelope 9 12 Brown Kraft 250Box |
所有商品中文信息为计算机自动翻译,如有存疑信息,请核对下方英文原稿内容 |
通过在办公室附近使用质量公园目录信封来保持文书工作的整洁。在内部使用它们进行日常交易,或将其放在一边,将促销包和项目材料运送到外部位置。它们的大小可以保留常规的全尺寸文档,这对于不能弯曲的庞大的目录来说非常方便。当客户收到用胶粘剂密封的脆皮牛皮纸信封时,会给他们留下正面的专业印象。 |
Keep paperwork organized and pristine by using Quality Park Catalog Envelopes around the office. Use them internally for day-to-day transactions or set them aside to ship promotional packets and project materials to outside locations. They're sized to hold regular full-size documents which comes in handy for bulky catalogs that can't be bent. When a client receives a crisp kraft paper envelope sealed tightly with gum adhesive they'll walk away with a positive professional impression. |
邮件或存储的轻量级目录信封。 分开定期胶在将它们折叠下来之前,先将水分加入襟翼。大量胶粘的粘合剂有效地密封包装,直到接收者打开。 隐藏内容。没有窗户的材料被封闭远离好奇的眼睛。 型号:41465 |
Lightweight catalog envelope for mailing or storage. Split Regular Gum. Add moisture to the flaps before folding them down. The heavily gummed adhesive effectively seals the package until opened by the recipient. Concealed Contents. With no windowsmaterials are sealed away from curious eyes. Model Number: 41465 |
规格表: 信封尺寸:9 品牌:品质公园 特点:HeavyweightDurable 制造商零件编号:41465 型号:41465 组装产品重量:10.06磅 |
Specifications Envelope Size:9 Brand:Quality Park Features:HeavyweightDurable Manufacturer Part Number:41465 Model:41465 Assembled Product Weight:10.06 lb |
美国直邮 Quality Park信封250张/盒 目录信封,9 x 12,棕色牛皮纸,250 /盒 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载