美國直郵 GENERIC模型玩具 WWE定義時刻承諾 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
美國 直郵 GENERIC WWE定義時刻承諾 |
WWE Defining Moments Undertaker |
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帶上這個WWE定義時刻的小作品,並重新創造你較喜愛的時刻在環中的動作。以“超級明星”為特徵,拍攝爆炸性的戲劇和令人難忘的動作,以豪華的錶現形式,令人難以置信的栩栩如生的細節,真正的戒指和配飾,他的炫耀風格。藉助這些詳細的WWE定義時刻動作數字,重現腎上腺素抽吸動作和驚人的戰鬥動作。孩子們可以單獨玩耍,也可以邀請一位朋友進入樂趣,每個Undertaker動作人物都會單獨齣售,視情況而定,顔色和裝飾品可能會有所不同。 |
Bring home the action with this WWE Defining Moments Undertaker miniature and recreate your favorite moments in the ring. Capture the explosive drama and unforgettable action with this character in “superstar scale." Featuring deluxe articulation incredible lifelike detail authentic ring attire and accessories he's flaunting style. Relive the adrenaline-pumping action and amazing battle moves with these detailed WWE Defining Moments action figures. Kids can play with them alone or invite a friend over to get in on the fun. Each of these Undertaker action figures is sold separately and subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary. |
WWE定義時刻承諾: Undertaker動作圖讓您可以捕獲WWE的爆炸性劇情和令人難忘的動作,並以6“超級明星 具有豪華的錶現力,令人難以置信的生活般的細節戒指服裝和accessoriesthey're炫耀超級明星風格 使用這些較受歡迎的WWE超級明星,重現腎上腺素的動作和驚人的戰鬥動作 收集所有 WWE定義時刻動作數字分彆獨立齣售 顔色和裝飾可能有所不同 在戒指中重新創作你較喜愛的時刻 |
WWE Defining Moments Undertaker: Undertaker action figure lets you capture the explosive drama and unforgettable action of the WWE with figures in 6" Superstar scale Featuring deluxe articulationincredible life-like detailauthentic ring attire and accessoriesthey're flaunting Superstar style Relive the adrenaline-pumping action and amazing battle moves with these detailed favorite WWE Superstars Collect them all WWE Defining Moments action figures are each sold separatelysubject to availability Colors and decorations may vary Recreate your favorite moments in the ring |
規格錶: 性格:WWE 品牌:通用 性彆:男 年齡範圍:2至4年 |
Specifications Character:WWE Brand:Generic Gender:Boys Age Range:2 to 4 Years |
美國直郵 GENERIC模型玩具 WWE定義時刻承諾 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載