Disney's newest animated feature, Zootopia, is a comedy-adventure starring Officer Judy Hopps, a rookie bunny cop who has to team up with fast-talking scam-artist fox Nick Wilde to crack her first case in the all-animal city of Zootopia. This lushly illustrated book offers a behind-the-scenes view of the elaborate artistry involved in creating the film.
瘋狂動物城是一座獨特的現代動物都市。每種動物在這裏都有自己的居所,比如富麗堂皇的撒哈拉廣場,或者常年嚴寒的冰川鎮。它就像一座大熔爐,動物們在這 裏和平共處——無論是大象還是小老鼠,隻要你努力,都能在此闖齣一番名堂。不過樂觀的警官兔硃迪(卻發現,作為史上一任兔子警官,要和一群強硬的大塊頭 動物警察閤作可不是件容易事。為瞭證明自己,她決心偵破一樁神秘案件;追尋真相的路上她被迫與口若懸河、謊技高超的狐尼剋聯手,卻發現這樁案件背後隱藏著 一個意欲顛覆動物城的巨大陰謀……
Byron Howard, director of
Zootopia, joined the Walt Disney Animation Studios in 1994 and has served as an animator, designer, and supervising animator for such classic films as
Mulan and
Lilo & Stitch. He directed
Bolt and
Rich Moore, director of
Zootopia, directed 2012's Oscar®-nominated feature
Wreck-It Ralph.,,,,,
The Art of Zootopia 《瘋狂動物城》電影藝術畫冊 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書