The most famous of all story collections,
The Arabian Nights, also known as
The Book of the Thousand and One Nights, is beloved around the world. Composed of Persian, Arabic, Greek, Indian, and other sources that accumulated over hundreds of years, these fabulous stories-within-stories have long fired readers’ imaginations with an enchanted world of flying carpets, magic lamps, genies, demons, magicians and sorceresses, carnivorous giants, and bloodthirsty bandits.?
Translation has played a key role in the formation of
The Arabian Nights as we know it, making it far more prominent in the West than it has ever been in the Arab world. Westerners’ first discovery of some of the tales in the early eighteenth century sparked a feverish thirst for more, which led to compilations that freely adapted, reconfigured, and even added to the originals. The resulting love affair with the art, architecture, literature, cuisine, and culture of the East significantly remapped the European literary landscape.
Editor Wen-chin Ouyang has compiled a carefully chosen selection from influential English translations, showcasing the strengths of different translators, including Richard Burton, Edward Lane, Jonathan Scott, and John Payne. Here are Shahrazad, Sinbad the Sailor, Aladdin, Ali Baba, and many more, in the most readable and enjoyable versions available.
Editor Wen-chin Ouyang, an expert on medieval Arabic literature at SOAS, University of London, has compiled a carefully chosen selection from influential English translations, showcasing the strengths of different translators, including Richard Burton, Edward Lane, Jonathan Scott, and John Payne. Here are Shahrazad, Sindbad the Sailor, Aladdin, Ali Baba, and many more, in the most readable and enjoyable versions available.,,
“This anthology really is the best of the best, a compelling collection of eye-openingly timeless tales that work for all ages.” —
The National
The Arabian Nights 英文原版 [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
子箋這時纔放瞭心,強笑一下道:“好!我們生死由命,絕不怨你狠毒……明天見,記得‘落月澗’。” 他說罷一翻身,輕飄飄地落在山徑上,再一晃身,又齣去瞭七八丈,漸漸地消失在暗影裏。 花蝶夢聽他已去遠,她殘酷地笑瞭笑,心中感到一種莫名的快感。因為她又要殺人瞭! 她仰起瞭頭,對著明月,自語道:“明天月上時……他們為什麼要送死呢?” 又是月上樹梢的時候瞭,蓬萊山的寒林,被晚風沐浴著,發齣瞭一片斷腸的呼嘯,像是遙遠莫及的親人,在悲哀地呼喚著。 “落月澗”是蓬萊山的絕地,原是一個小小的盆地,四麵均是峭壁與蔓草,是一個極荒涼和恐怖的地方。 但是此刻,有三個長衣的奇人,圍坐在一麵四尺的石桌旁,桌上擺著豐盛的酒筵,他們正在喁喁地私語著。 左邊坐著的正是元子箋,居中的是一個古稀的老人,他矮
it shows the power of mere curiosity, which drives man to overcome all | to rove, to adventure | "though they grew louder and more insulting the higher she climbed, the princess only laughed,and said to herself that she certainly would not let a few rough words stand between her and goal."
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