How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are Love, Style 英文原版 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
From four stunning and accomplished French women -- at last -- a fresh and spirited take on what it really means to be a Parisienne: how they dress, entertain, have fun and attempt to behave themselves.
In short, frisky sections, these Parisian women give you their very original views on style, beauty, culture, attitude and men. The authors--Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret, and Sophie Mas -- unmarried but attached, with children -- have been friends for years. Talented bohemian iconoclasts with careers in the worlds of music, film, fashion and publishing, they are untypically frank and outspoken as they debunk the myths about what it means to be a French woman today. Letting you in on their secrets and flaws, they also make fun of their complicated, often contradictory feelings and behavior. They admit to being snobs, a bit self-centered, unpredictable but not unreliable. Bossy and opinionated, they are also tender and romantic.
You will be taken on a first date, to a party, to some favorite haunts in Paris, to the countryside, and to one of their dinners at home with recipes even you could do -- but to be out with them is to be in for some mischief and surprises. They will tell you how to be mysterious and sensual, look natural, make your boyfriend jealous, and how they feel about children, weddings and going to the gym. And they will share their address book in Paris for where to go: At the End of the Night, for A Birthday, for a Smart Date, A Hangover, for Vintage Finds and much more.
How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are will make you laugh as you slip into their shoes to become bold and free and tap into your inner cool.
Anne Berest is the author of two novels and a biography of Françoise Sagan published this year; she also writes for television, cinema, and theater.
Audrey Diwan became a scriptwriter after studying journalism and political science. She wrote the screenplay for Cédric Jimenez’s La French, with Jean Dujardin, and is now directing her first feature film; she is also editor-at-large for the magazine Stylist.
Caroline de Maigret studied literature at the Sorbonne before moving to New York to model. She returned to Paris in 2006 to found her music label. De Maigret has been an ambassador for Chanel since 2012, and supports women worldwide through the NGO Care.
Sophie Mas was born and raised in Paris. After graduating from Sciences Po and HEC, she started her own film company and now works as a producer in Los Angeles, New York and São Paulo.
评分大一些,说道:“百里彤的事已完了,你虽然受了伤,可是你的名气已然震动了整个江湖呢!” 江元闻言不解,问道:“这是什么意思?百里彤的事与我何干?” 冷古用手摸着下巴,含笑说道:“名满苗疆和中原的五羊婆也被你击成重伤,逃向苗山,这可算是殊荣吗?” 江元眉头一扬,问道:“怎么?这件事江湖上己传开了。” 冷古一笑说道:“这种事焉有不传开的道理?” 江元摇了摇头,轻声叹道:“唉!这些事对于我毫无兴趣,不要再提它了。” 冷古这时才发觉,江元脸上有一层阴晦之色,心中不由颇为奇怪,问道:“你脸色不佳,莫非是五羊婆的毒手,已经留下了后患不成?” 江元苦笑着摇头。 他考虑了良久,终于把心事说出,请冷古提一些意见。 冷古料不到江元把自己视为知己,也显得很兴奋,于是他们同榻而眠,长谈起来。 江元连声叹息着,说道:“你看,这件事我到底该怎么办?”
评分大一些,说道:“百里彤的事已完了,你虽然受了伤,可是你的名气已然震动了整个江湖呢!” 江元闻言不解,问道:“这是什么意思?百里彤的事与我何干?” 冷古用手摸着下巴,含笑说道:“名满苗疆和中原的五羊婆也被你击成重伤,逃向苗山,这可算是殊荣吗?” 江元眉头一扬,问道:“怎么?这件事江湖上己传开了。” 冷古一笑说道:“这种事焉有不传开的道理?” 江元摇了摇头,轻声叹道:“唉!这些事对于我毫无兴趣,不要再提它了。” 冷古这时才发觉,江元脸上有一层阴晦之色,心中不由颇为奇怪,问道:“你脸色不佳,莫非是五羊婆的毒手,已经留下了后患不成?” 江元苦笑着摇头。 他考虑了良久,终于把心事说出,请冷古提一些意见。 冷古料不到江元把自己视为知己,也显得很兴奋,于是他们同榻而眠,长谈起来。 江元连声叹息着,说道:“你看,这件事我到底该怎么办?”
How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are Love, Style 英文原版 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载