Moby-Dick is at once a thrilling adventure tale, a timeless allegory, and an epic saga of heroic determination and conflict. At its heart is the powerful, unknowable sea?and Captain Ahab, a brooding, one-legged fanatic who has sworn vengeance on the mammoth white whale that crippled him. Narrated by Ishmael, a wayfarer who joins the crew of Ahab’s whaling ship, this is the story of that hair-raising voyage, and of the men who embraced hardship and nameless horrors as they dared to challenge God’s most dreaded creation and death itself for a chance at immortality.
A novel that delves with astonishing vigor into the complex souls of men, Moby-Dick is an impassioned drama of the ultimate human struggle that the Atlantic Monthly called ?the greatest of American novels.”
With an Introduction by Elizabeth Renker and a New Afterword
HERMAN MELVILLE was born in New York in 1819. His father’s bankruptcy and death in 1832 deprived him of higher educational opportunities and alienated him forever from a conventional view of life. He taught school, sailed to Liverpool and back, then shipped before the mast on a Pacific whaling voyage. He deserted at the Marquesas Islands, living for a month among the cannibal Typee natives. An Australian whaleship then took him to Tahiti, where he was jailed for mutiny, but he escaped and spent some months as a beachcomber. A third whaleship took him to Hawaii where he lived briefly before sailing home with the crew of the frigate United States. From these adventures came his popular and increasingly imaginative travel romances: Typee (1846), Omoo (1847), the allegorical Mardi (1849), Redburn (1849), White-Jacket (1850), and his masterpiece, Moby-Dick (1851). Melville married in 1847. His later works of fiction were not sea romances and sold poorly. He gave up professional writing and for twenty years served as a customs inspector in New York, where he died in 1891. Billy Budd, written in his last years, was published for the first time in 1924, on the crest of a Melville revival that began about 1920 and continues to the present day?a revival that has established him among the greatest American writers.
ELIZABETH RENKER is professor of English at Ohio State University. Among her books are Strike through the Mask: Herman Melville and the Scene of Writing and The Origins of American Literature Studies: An Institutional History.
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非常好的一本书,京东配送也不错!读书是一种提升自我的艺术。“玉不琢不成器,人不学不知道。”读书是一种学习的过程。一本书有一个故事,一个故事叙述一段人生,一段人生折射一个世界。“读万卷书,行万里路”说的正是这个道理。读诗使人高雅,读史使人明智。读每一本书都会有不同的收获。“悬梁刺股”、“萤窗映雪”,自古以来,勤奋读书,提升自我是每一个人的毕生追求。读书是一种最优雅的素质,能塑造人的精神,升华人的思想。 读书是一种充实人生的艺术。没有书的人生就像空心的竹子一样,空洞无物。书本是人生最大的财富。犹太人让孩子们亲吻涂有蜂蜜的书本,是为了让他们记住:书本是甜的,要让甜蜜充满人生就要读书。读书是一本人生最难得的存折,一点一滴地积累,你会发现自己是世界上最富有的人。 读书是一种感悟人生的艺术。读杜甫的诗使人感悟人生的辛酸,读李白的诗使人领悟官场的腐败,读鲁迅的文章使人认清社会的黑暗,读巴金的文章使人感到未来的希望。每一本书都是一个朋友,教会我们如何去看待人生。读书是人生的一门最不缺少的功课,阅读书籍,感悟人生,助我们走好人生的每一步。 书是灯,读书照亮了前面的路;书是桥,读书接通了彼此的岸;书是帆,读书推动了人生的船。读书是一门人生的艺术,因为读书,人生才更精彩! 读书,是好事;读大量的书,更值得称赞。 读书是一种享受生活的艺术。五柳先生“好读书,不求甚解,每有会意,便欣然忘食”。当你枯燥烦闷,读书能使你心情愉悦;当你迷茫惆怅时,读书能平静你的 心,让你看清前路;当你心情愉快时,读书能让你发现身边更多美好的事物,让你更加享受生活。读书是一种最美丽的享受。“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如 玉。” 一位叫亚克敦的英国人,他的书斋里杂乱的堆满了各科各类的图书,而且每本书上都有着手迹。读到这里是不是有一种敬佩之意油然而升。因为“有了书,就象鸟儿有了翅膀”吗! 然而,我们很容易忽略的是:有好书并不一定能读好书。正如这位亚克敦,虽然他零零碎碎地记住了不少知识,可当人家问他时,他总是七拉八扯说不清楚。这里的原因只有一个,那就是他不善长于读书,而只会“依葫芦画瓢”。 朱熹说过:“读书之法,在循序渐进,熟读而精思。” 所谓“循序渐进”,就是学习、工作等按照一定的步骤诼渐深入或提高。也就是说我们并不要求书有几千甚至几万,根本的目的在于对自己的书要层层深入,点点掌握,关键还在于把握自己的读书速度。至于“熟读”,顾名思义,就是要把自己看过的书在看,在看,看的滚瓜烂熟,,能活学活用。而“精思”则是“循序渐进”,“熟读”的必然结果,也必然是读书的要决。有了细致、精练的思索才能更高一层的理解书所要讲的道理总体还是不错的,物流也很给力,商品也是不错的,给个好评
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