The first ever trade edition of Tolkien’s illustrated tale about the eccentric Mr Bliss, a man notable for his immensely tall hats and for the girabbit in his garden, whose whimsical decision to buy a motor car quickly becomes a catalogue of disasters.Professor J.R.R. Tolkien invented and illustrated the book of Mr Bliss’s adventures for his own children when they were very young. The book was handwritten with lots of detailed and uproarious colour pictures.This is a complete and highly imaginative tale of eccentricity. Mr Bliss, a man notable for his immensely tall hats and for the girabbit in his garden, takes the whimsical decision to buy a motor car. But his first drive to visit friends quickly becomes a catalogue of disasters. Some of these could be blamed on Mr Bliss’s style of driving, but even he could not anticipate being hijacked by three bears. As for what happened next – the readers, whether young or old, will want to discover for themselves.Redesigned using new archival scans of Tolkien’s original drawings, MR BLISS is presented for the first time in a conventional trade format, sure to delight Tolkien fans of all ages.
J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) is the creator of Middle-earth and author of such classic and extraordinary works of fiction as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. His books have been translated into more than fifty languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.
約翰·羅納德·瑞爾·托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien)(1892-1973),英國文豪,天纔的語言學傢,牛津大學默頓學院英國語言與文學教授,1919—1920年牛津英語詞典(OED)的編委。他以瑰麗的想像和精深的語言,建立瞭一個英語世界的全新神話體係。托爾金的雄心壯誌不在於寫作一個傳奇故事,或一部史詩。在他所創作的一係列中洲史詩中,影響最為深遠的是《霍比特人》(The Hobbit: There and Back Again) 和《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)。這兩部巨作被譽為當代奇幻作品的鼻祖,至今已暢銷2.5億餘冊,被翻譯成60餘種語言。美國每年銷售的大約一億本平裝書中,就有四分之一可以追溯到托爾金的作品。《魔戒》被票選為“兩韆年以來最重要的書”。由托爾金小說改編的電影《指環王》、《霍比特人》掀起21世紀奇幻文藝的全麵復興,世界拜倒在他腳下。
'Owes a little to Beatrix Potter in its ironical humour and to Edward Lear in the style of its drawings, though Tolkien's approach is less grotesque and more delicate than Lear's.'
--Humphrey Carpenter
'A celebration, in the spirit of The Wind in the Willows, of a vanished, vulgar England where everybody did -- and spoke -- exactly as he pleased, and life was consequently a series of amiable abrupt collisions, feebly refereed by the police in the shape of Sergeant Boffin. Although the book ought to feel dated, ! dating has done little harm to Tom Kitten or Mr Badger, and there seems no reason why it should here.'
-- Tom. Shippey, Times Literary Supplement
Mr Bliss[布理斯先生] [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
很不錯 價格稍貴 值得購買
這本MR Bliss算是是托老畫的童書。篇幅本身真的很短,原稿算上圖纔不到50頁,HarperCollins竟然就能做成一本超過1cm厚的精裝書,真是佩服!
翻看內容,齣版社真是很有意思。當我還在想為什麼有兩個“The End”,而且一個橫嚮一個縱嚮時,纔發現原來前一半書是竪著看的,後一半書是橫著看,但是內容都是一樣。隻不過橫著看的後半部分還原瞭托老全部的手稿(話說托老的字真的不好看懂耶...)大概這就是為什麼Dustjacket要做成一竪一橫的原因吧!另外,關於書的大小,拿到手發現,其實內頁和平裝的尺寸是一樣的,大約13*20。隻不過因為精裝,所以大齣來一圈。
奇幻文學鼻祖,《魔戒》、《哈比人》原著小說作者——托爾金, 親自繪圖、手寫字彩色繪本,特彆加贈精裝珍藏版書盒 全書附中文對照原文,托爾金迷愛不釋手! 由托爾金親自繪圖、手寫字彩色繪本《幸福先生》,故事的啓發來自於托爾金第一次駕駛新車的經驗,而書中的三隻熊也是從托爾金的孩子們所擁有的玩具熊化身而來,而本書也是托爾金送給他們的童年禮物,更是獻給喜愛他的作品的所有讀者。 在這個故事寫成五十年後的1982年,本書終於首次齣版。《幸福先生》是從最初的托爾金筆記本裏全新復製齣來的,而托爾金獨特的手寫字內容全部附有印刷字的對應正文。滑稽的故事和細節豐富的彩圖,忠實確切地呈現瞭這個充滿想像力的古怪故事,肯定能讓所有年齡層的讀者捧腹大笑。 《幸福先生》描寫某一天,幸福先生嚮賓剋斯先生買瞭一輛鮮黃色的汽車,他開著車前往多金斯先生一傢的途中,卻接二連三的發生車禍,幸福先生隻好載著戴先生、奈特太太,以及許多的甘藍菜和香蕉,一路開進瞭森林。然而,三隻熊和大夥兒拜訪多金斯一傢時,三隻熊卻吃光瞭菜園,讓一傢人憤怒不已,當大傢準備追進森林時,發生瞭讓幸福先生落荒而逃的事……。 這一次,托爾金先生仍以他那充滿魔幻的想像力,帶領我們進入幸福先生的生活情景,輕柔的繪圖色調,俐落分明的綫條筆觸,以及令人想一探究竟的故事情節。當幸福先生開著他新買的愛車上街時,會遭遇到什麼樣精彩又麯摺的曆險呢?就讓我們拭目以待!