"The ultimate dictionary." (Times Educational Supplement). From the universe and our planet, to plants and animals, to the human body and the very latest in science and technology, the updated and revised "Visual Dictionary" is a unique encyclopedia packed with information. Not only does it tell you what a term means, it shows you with over 6,000 amazing photos and over 33,000 objects and terms defined. Discover how a plasma TV works, go inside a volcano or the latest high-tech car, see how a bronze statue is made, explore the prehistoric world and find the answers to all kinds of questions on science, art, music, sport and more. "The Visual Dictionary" is an unbeatable reference guide that will appeal to all the family. 作者简介
Dorling Kindersley (DK) is an international publishing company specializing in illustrated reference books for adults and children in 51 languages. It is currently part of the Penguin Group.
Established in 1974, Dorling Kindersley publishes a range of titles in genres including travel, (including the bestselling Eyewitness Travel Guides), history, cooking, gardening, and parenting. They also publish an extensive children’s catalogue for children, toddlers and babies, covering such topics as history, the human body, animals, and activities.
DK has offices in New York, London, Munich, New Delhi, Toronto, and Australia.
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