Millions adore him. A philanthropist. Anti-drug crusader. Peace activist. And former pop star the likes of which the world has never seen. Sir Damian Cray even has the president's ear. Yet the president's ear is not enough for Damian—he wants more. Such as the president's fingerprints. So he can manipulate computer systems only the President of the United States has access to. So he can launch nuclear missiles. From aboard Air Force One. All in the name of peace.... So what if a few million lives are lost in the process? Teen spy Alex Rider survives a bullfight, a high-speed bicycle chase through Amsterdam, and even being the target in a human video-game, only to face his most disturbing challenge yet: when the best of intentions are driven by insanity, how do you reason with a madman? After a chance encounter with assassin Yassen Gregorovich in the South of France, teenage spy Alex Rider investigates international pop star and philanthropist Damian Cray whose new video game venture hides sinister motives involving Air Force One, nuclear missiles, and the international drug trade.
Anthony Horowitz is a hugely popular and prolific author and screenwriter for film and television. His books include Groosham Grange and its sequel Return to Groosham Grange, Granny, The Switch, The Devil and his Boy and the Diamond Brothers series. Among his many TV and film credits are Midsomer Murders, Poirot and The Gathering. He is married with two children. Oliver Chris graduated from the Central School of Speech and Drama in 2000. His film and television credits include The Office and Lorna Doone for the BBC; Rescue Me for ITV; and forthcoming feature film The Gathering (screenplay by Anthony Horowitz). --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Anthony Horowitz's enormously popular series about the world’s premier teenage spy, returns for another round with secret agent Alex Rider fighting ingenious villains and charming every girl he meets. Eagle Strike, Horowitz’s fourth fictional foray into the world of British spy agency MI6, starts out calmly enough as Alex and his lovely companion, Miss Sabina Pleasure, vacation with her family in the south of France. But before you can say Goldfinger, Alex spots his old nemesis, renowned assassin Yassen Gregorovich, on the beach. What Alex discovers is a plan so diabolical that it makes all of his previous adventures seem like a stroll in the Queen Mum’s garden. Alex must fight to keep Gregorovich from executing the plans of a mysterious and murderous madman--an operation code named "Eagle Strike." He will just have to face down a few minor complications first: a virtual reality game that inflicts real pain; a fleet of Porche 911 GT3-driving hit men; and even a near fatal brush with death aboard the most famous aircraft in the world, Air Force One. But he’ll persevere, or his name isn’t Rider: Alex Rider. Eagle Strike, like all of the ridiculously fun Alex Rider adventures, is a pure guilty pleasure from start to finish. Even the most reluctant of readers won’t be able to resist Alex’s Bond-like ingenuity and charisma. Anthony Horowitz is a master of pacing, and as Alex swings from one cliff-hanging chapter to the next, Horowitz proves that you don’t have to be Shakespeare to pen a crackerjack plot! --Jennifer Hubert --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. What if James Bond had started spying as a teenager? Nonstop action keeps the intrigue boiling. (Kirkus Reviews on Stormbreaker) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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我呀,坚信每一个人看到的世界都不该是眼前的世界。眼前的世界无非是些吃喝拉撒睡,难道这就够了吗?还有,我看见有人在制造一些污辱人们智慧的粗糙的东西就愤怒,看见人们在鼓吹动物性的狂欢就要发狂。 我总以为,有过雨果的博爱,萧伯纳的智慧,罗曼罗兰又把什么是美说得那么清楚,人无论如何也不该再是愚昧的了。肉麻的东西无论如何也不应该被赞美了。人们没有一点深沉的智慧无论如何也不成了。
我发现,人们常常把这样的事情当作人性最可贵的表露:七尺男子汉坐在厨房里和三姑六婆磨嘴皮子,或者衣装笔挺的男女们坐在海滨,谈论着高尚的、别人不能理解的感情。我不喜欢人们像这样沉溺在人性软弱的部分之中,更不喜欢人们总是这样描写人性。 一个常常在进行着接近自己限度的斗争的人总是会常常失败的,一个想探索自然奥秘的人也常常会失败,一个想改革社会的人更是会常常失败。只有那些安于自己限度之内的生活的人才总是“胜利”,这种“胜利者”之所以常胜不败,只是因为他的对手是早已降伏的,或者说,他根本没有投入斗争 我觉得问题就出在,他们认定了自己所持有的那一套价值系统,哪怕没有强加于你,也要固执地坚守,并且只要一有机会就要摆出来。他们以一种似乎柔和的方式在我耳旁聒噪,希望我能慢慢软化。