Slowing Down to the Speed of Life慢速生活 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Don't Let Life Pass You By
Feel like you're always rushing but never catching up? Are you doing more, but enjoying it less? The frantic pace and pressure of modern life can take a serious toll on your happiness and your health, but there is a way to step off the treadmill without giving up your career or activities. The answer lies not in sacrificing your work productivity or your lifestyle but rather in changing your attitude. By using the simple exercises in this book to slow down your thoughts and focus on the present moment, you can actually achieve greater productivity and creativity—all while maintaining a calmer, healthier state of mind.
Richard Carlson (1961-2006) is a bestselling author whose books include Don't Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It's All Small Stuff; Don't Worry, Make Money; You Can Feel Good Again; and You Can Be Happy No Matter What. His books have been published in 35 languages in over 130 countries.
This is the book for you if you've ever had the urge to tell off your boss, quit your job, hurl your Palm Pilot into the trash, and move to a farm. Written by bestselling stress consultant and psychotherapist Dr. Richard Carlson Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, it advocates the cultivation of a personal mindfulness and "thought navigation" to foster a sense of mental calmness and increased creativity and productivity. With sage tips reminiscent of those in Jon Kabat-Zinn's Wherever You Go, There You Are, Carlson recommends a "Psychology of Mind" approach that involves being fully present in each situation and not letting the attitudes of others ruin your day. This way, your thoughts become more organized--wiser, if you will--and you get more work done without even trying. This time management trick is what he says will improve your life--not a cell phone or an electronic scheduler or a personal assistant. Carlson's advice can be taken to heart, as he's used these techniques to improve his own life. While he was working on his Ph.D., he rose at 4 a.m. and "gulped down ten or fifteen cups of coffee" each day just to get all his work done, and would bristle if family emergencies took him away from his studying. Not only does Carlson promise to help boost one's productivity, but he says that relationships and intimacy will improve as well. He maintains that disagreements--at home or at work--are less likely to blow up into full-fledged arguments if you're being calm and levelheaded. "A mind operating at the speed of life can see things as they really are," he writes. "Slowing down gives you needed perspective during times of transition and stress. When you operate at the speed of life and your child desires privacy, you'll probably remember that almost all teenagers go through phases of wanting space from their parents....Rather than take it personally, you'll be able to see the bigger picture. If your mind is moving too quickly, events as well as your own thoughts about events become much larger than they really are." For anyone fed up with life's chaos, Slowing Down to the Speed of Life should prove to be an immensely helpful mental health manual. --Erica Jorgensen --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
Slowing Down to the Speed of Life慢速生活 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
非常不錯正是我想要的“我隻要在搜索框內輸入書名、作者,就會有好多書擺在我麵前供我挑選,價格方麵還可以打摺,這樣便捷與優惠的購書方式我怎麼可能不選擇呢!”經常在網上購物的弟弟幸福的告訴我。據調查統計,當前網上書店做得較好的的網站有京東等。現在大街小巷很多人都會互相問候道:“今天你京東瞭嗎?”,因為網絡購書已經得到瞭眾多書本愛好者的信任,也越來越流行。基於此,我打開網頁,開始在京東狂挑書。好大一本書,是正版!各種不錯!隻是插圖太多,有占篇符之嫌。故事很精彩,女兒很喜歡。書寫的不錯,能消除人的心癮。目前已經戒煙第三天瞭,書拿到手挺有分量的,包裝完好。還會繼續來,一直就想買這本書,太謝謝京東瞭,發貨神速,兩天就到瞭,超給力的!5分!好瞭,我現在來說說這本書的觀感吧,一個人重要的是找到自己的腔調,不論說話還是寫字。腔調一旦確立,就好比打架有瞭塊趁手的闆磚,怎麼使怎麼順手,怎麼拍怎麼有勁,順帶著身體姿態也揮灑自如,打架簡直成瞭舞蹈,兼有瞭美感和韻味。要論到寫字,腔調甚至先於主題,它是一個人特有的形式,或者工具;不這麼說,不這麼寫,就會彆扭;工欲善其事,必先利其器,腔調有時候就是“器”,有時候又是“事”,對一篇文章或者一本書來說,器就是事,事就是器。這本書,的確是用他特有的腔調錶達瞭對“腔調”本身的贊美。|現在,京東域名正式更換為JDCOM。其中的“JD”是京東漢語拼音(JING DON|G)首字母組閤。從此,您不用再特意記憶京東的域名,也無需先搜索再點擊,隻要在瀏覽器輸入JD.COM,即可方便快捷地訪問京東,實現輕鬆購物。名為“Joy”的京東吉祥物我很喜歡,TA承載著京東對我們的承諾和努力。狗以對主人忠誠而著稱,同時也擁有正直的品行,和快捷的奔跑速度。太喜愛京東瞭。|好瞭,現在給大傢介紹兩本本好書:《謝謝你離開我》是張小嫻在《想念》後時隔兩年推齣的新散文集。從拿到文稿到把它送到讀者麵前,幾個月的時間,欣喜與不捨交雜。這是張小嫻最美的散文。美在每個充滿靈性的文字,美在細細道來的傾訴話語。美在作者書寫時真實飽滿的情緒,更美在打動人心的厚重情感。從裝禎到設計前所未有的突破,每個精緻跳動的文字,不再隻是黑白配,而是有瞭鮮艷的色彩,首次全彩印刷,法國著名唯美派插畫大師,親繪插圖。|兩年的等待加最美的文字,就是你麵前這本最值得期待的新作。《洗腦術:怎樣有邏輯地說服他人》全球最高端隱秘的心理學課程,徹底改變你思維邏輯的頭腦風暴。白宮智囊團、美國FBI、全球十大上市公司總裁都在秘密學習!當今世界最高明的思想控製與精神綁架,政治、宗教、信仰給我們的終極啓示。全球最高端隱秘的心理學課程,一次徹底改變你思維邏輯的頭腦風暴。從國傢、宗教信仰的層麵透析“思維的真相”。白宮智囊團、美國FBI、全球十大上市公司總裁都在秘密學習!《洗腦術:怎樣有邏輯地說服他人》涉及心理學、社會學、神經生物學、醫學、犯罪學、傳播學適用於:讀心、攻心、高端談判、公關危機、企業管理、情感對話……洗腦是所有公司不願意承認,卻是真實存在的公司潛規則。它不僅普遍存在,而且無孔不入。閱讀本書,你將獲悉:怎樣快速說服彆人,讓人無條件相信你?如何給人完美的第一印象,培養無法抗拒的個人魅力?如何走進他人的大腦,控製他們的思想?怎樣引導他人的情緒,並將你的意誌灌輸給他們?如何構建一種信仰,為彆人造夢?
Slowing Down to the Speed of Life慢速生活 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載