Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain無法承受的輕盈:一個關於得與失的故事 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
I didn't decide to become anorexic. It snuck up on me disguised as a healthy diet, a professional attitude. Being as thin as possible was a way to make the job of being an actress easier . . .
Portia de Rossi weighed only 82 pounds when she collapsed on the set of the Hollywood film in which she was playing her first leading role. This should have been the culmination of all her years of hard work--first as a child model in Australia, then as a cast member of one of the hottest shows on American television. On the outside she was thin and blond, glamorous and successful. On the inside, she was literally dying.
In this searing, unflinchingly honest book, Portia de Rossi captures the complex emotional truth of what it is like when food, weight, and body image take priority over every other human impulse or action. She recounts the elaborate rituals around eating that came to dominate hours of every day, from keeping her daily calorie intake below 300 to eating precisely measured amounts of food out of specific bowls and only with certain utensils. When this wasn't enough, she resorted to purging and compulsive physical exercise, driving her body and spirit to the breaking point.
Even as she rose to fame as a cast member of the hit television shows Ally McBeal and Arrested Development, Portia alternately starved herself and binged, all the while terrified that the truth of her sexuality would be exposed in the tabloids. She reveals the heartache and fear that accompany a life lived in the closet, a sense of isolation that was only magnified by her unrelenting desire to be ever thinner. With the storytelling skills of a great novelist and the eye for detail of a poet, Portia makes transparent as never before the behaviors and emotions of someone living with an eating disorder.
From her lowest point, Portia began the painful climb back to a life of health and honesty, falling in love with and eventually marrying Ellen DeGeneres, and emerging as an outspoken and articulate advocate for gay rights and women's health issues.
In this remarkable and beautifully written work, Portia shines a bright light on a dark subject. A crucial book for all those who might sometimes feel at war with themselves or their bodies, Unbearable Lightness is a story that inspires hope and nourishes the spirit.
Portia de Rossi, is an Australian actress, best known for her roles as lawyer Nelle Porter on the television series Ally McBeal and Lindsay Bluth Fünke on the sitcom Arrested Development. She also portrayed Veronica Palmer on the ABC sitcom Better Off Ted.
“Anorexia was my first love,” de Rossi declares in her memoir of her early Hollywood career and the eating disorders that went along with it. Her unflinching self-portrait depicts a cripplingly self-conscious young Australian in LA overwhelmed by the pressure to be thin. Never comfortable in her own skin, a by-product of her status as a closeted lesbian, de Rossi was sure if she ever gained weight (or came out as being gay), the shooting star she’d been cultivating would turn to lead. Weight loss was the key that allowed de Rossi to feel powerful and in control, until dieting became a sickness that nearly killed her and devastated her family. De Rossi’s story and words are not revolutionary, but they are frank, brave, and revelatory of the unhealthy trends that stardom can generate. Although more development of de Rossi’s happy ending (her eventual complete recovery, self-acceptance, coming-out, and marriage to Ellen DeGeneres) would be welcome, the book succeeds as it’s intended: a journal of her sickness and a provocatively sad love affair with dieting.
--Annie Bostrom “The blunt, pity-free matter-of-factness with which de Rossi shares secrets and lies about her eating disorders and her sexuality makes this forthright confessional story at once shocking and instructional, especially for younger women who may be secretly suffering on their own.”
—Entertainment Weekly 前言/序言
Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain無法承受的輕盈:一個關於得與失的故事 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
書很棒,物流很給力。迴頭查瞭一下,我是從2010年3月開始網絡購書的,算起來快5年瞭。師傅是我的女友“好夢”,她是個樣樣時尚都能搞懂的70後女子,若乾年前我看她拿瞭一摞書在付款,纔知道還有這等方便之事:網上選書,書到付款。於是趕緊迴傢登錄京東書城,挑選,下單。果然,很快書就送到瞭。從那時起到現在,我不知在京東下瞭多少訂單,四五十次應該有瞭吧,因為我早已是VIP鑽石用戶啦。好瞭,廢話不多說。還可以,和印象裏的有一點點區彆,可能是我記錯瞭書比我想的要厚很多,就是字有點小,不過挺實惠的,很滿意!書非常好,正版的,非常值,快遞也給力,必須給好評,就是感覺包裝有點簡陋啊哈哈~~~不過書很好,看瞭下內容也都很不錯,快遞也很給力,東西很好 物流速度也很快,和照片描述的也一樣,給個滿分吧 下次還會來買!好瞭,我現在來說說這本書的觀感吧,一個人重要的是找到自己的腔調,不論說話還是寫字。腔調一旦確立,就好比打架有瞭塊趁手的闆磚,怎麼使怎麼順手,怎麼拍怎麼有勁,順帶著身體姿態也揮灑自如,打架簡直成瞭舞蹈,兼有瞭美感和韻味。要論到寫字,腔調甚至先於主題,它是一個人特有的形式,或者工具;不這麼說,不這麼寫,就會彆扭;工欲善其事,必先利其器,腔調有時候就是“器”,有時候又是“事”,對一篇文章或者一本書來說,器就是事,事就是器。這本書,的確是用他特有的腔調錶達瞭對“腔調”本身的贊美。|據說,2011年8月24日,京東與支付寶閤作到期。官方公告顯示,京東商城已經全麵停用支付寶,除瞭無法使用支付服務外,使用支付寶賬號登錄的功能也一並被停用。京東商城創始人劉先生5月份曾錶示京東棄用支付寶原因是支付寶的費率太貴,為快錢等公司的4倍。在棄支付寶而去之後,京東商城轉投銀聯懷抱。這點我很喜歡,因為支付寶我從來就不用,用起來也很麻煩的。好瞭,現在給大傢介紹兩本好書: 《愛情急救手冊》是陸琪在研究上韆個真實情感案例,分析情感
Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain無法承受的輕盈:一個關於得與失的故事 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載