Looking for Bigfoot (Step into Reading, Step 4) 进阶阅读3:寻找大脚 英文原版 [平装] [7岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
Is Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch) a descendent of the extinct giant ape Gigantopithecus? Or is it a myth turned pop-culture phenom that we want to believe is real? In this objectively written graded reader, author Bonnie Worth examines the evidence for and against the existence of the alleged ape, including its role in native North American folklore, famous sightings and notorious hoaxes, Dr. Grover Kranz’s work with dermal ridges, the Gigantopithecus theory, the Patterson-Gimlin film, and much, much more. Illustrated with photographs and full-color illustrations, this high-concept easy reader will satisfy both skeptics and true believers.
Bonnie Worth is the author of countless children’s books.
Jim Nelson is the illustrator of numerous books for young people.
"Is Bigfoot a real ape like creature who lurks in the woods of North America and elsewhere or is he a figment of many imaginations or a perhaps even a hoax? The author presents facts as well as some of the hoaxes that have surrounded this creature. She relates several sightings and the big scam that made the newspapers. A man named Ray Wallace had faked the large footprints that were found. Even though no large apes lived in North America, there are stories told by the Native Americans of a large creature sometimes called Sasquatch or Oh-Mah and there are ancient carvings and masks that resemble the face of an ape like creature that have been found in this area. Readers then go back a little in time to research in China that revealed the bones of a very large ape-like creature some called a Yeti and others an Abominable Snowman. One possible theory is that in the distant past when Asia and North America were connected, these ape-like creatures could have crossed from one continent to the other. There are scientists called Cryptozoologists who study animals and are seeking scientific proof that mythic animals do or did exist. There is no real answer, just food for thought. The illustrations are a combination of drawings, photographs and documents to make the book feel more like it is a research paper than a story. A Level 4 book in the "Step into Reading" series. There is a note to parents on the opening page and additional books in the series listed on the inside cover."
--Reviewer: Marilyn Courtot
Looking for Bigfoot (Step into Reading, Step 4) 进阶阅读3:寻找大脚 英文原版 [平装] [7岁及以上] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
很不错,这套书我们已经全部都看完了,孩子用了一个暑假的时间学完了, 女儿八岁半了,从三岁接触英语,看视频,听儿歌,上阶梯学校,请VIP外教,总的来说孩子对英语不反感,语感不错,发音也好,但就是不会用英语交流.我比较困惑,也想不出更好的办法.前一两个月,从网站知道有很多人推荐这套书故事乐园和开心小读者,说是很好的儿童阅读启蒙教材,一激动买了全套.之后,我原以为这套书对女儿来说非常简单,想学完了送给朋友,后来发现,女儿很喜欢这套教材,很认真地模仿发音,还喜欢唱这套书 里的歌曲.我就没有将这套书送人,接下来,依我女儿的程度我开始要求她听写.就这样听一本,写一本,第一级完成了,在此过程中,我一直陪着女儿学习并用心领会着这套教材的系统性和科学性.我慢慢发现这真是一套不可多得的儿童英语读物.女儿通过学习,不仅学会了好听的语音语调,还学会了拼写单词,并找出其中的发音规律.本坛子里面很多朋友倡导phonics 教学.但它不是空洞的,这套书其实就是用phonics的方法,加上科学重复来编排内容的.这段时间,女儿一改平时不主动说英语,没事就用英语和我说两句,用的都是这套书里的句子.我感觉到是这套教材起作用了.在我看来,这套书不仅是认读教材,同时因其句子简单,有图片帮助孩子理解意义,重复次数多,孩子真的明白句子含义啦,就敢大声说出来了.刚才讲了很多关于这套书的使用感觉,另外,五一期间,邻居借我们一套\"标准英语分级读物,儿童卷. 一到四级\",这套书在当当网有卖,打折后才不到40元一级, 我女儿正在学第一级, 同样, 我感觉很好.性价比很高, 这套教材是教孩子用基本的句子,反复应用, 每一句只换一个词, 有清晰的照片作为说明, 孩子没有任何理解障碍. 只是这套教材在phonics方面没有这套书好,但它有学习指导手册和相关的CHANT.孩子有很多机会练习所学句子.我问我女儿这两套教材她更喜欢哪个, 她说都喜欢, 但是这套书相对简单,她更喜欢简单一些的教材我很后悔没能让女儿早些接触以上我提及的相关教材, 以前总迷信所谓的少儿英语班,外教课堂. 我不再想让女儿去上英语辅导班了, 在那里,老师教一些没有任何联系的单词,句子, 浪费孩子的时间, 浪费家长的大米.我决心用以上教材,以及类似教材在家教孩子, 她这一两个月的进步让我坚信,我能让女儿更好,更快,更轻松,更快乐地掌握英语这本语言.关于我女儿的学习效果, 我很难具体说到底有多好, 所以我想明天贴两个链接,分别是我女儿读以上我说的两套教材的录音. 不知道内容的家长可从录音中知道CD中的语音内容 , 今天太晚了, 我还要将这两个录音传到我的服务器上,以供下载, 下载速度会很快
200-100 的活动入的,值!
曾记得小时候,奶奶会经常给我讲一些童话故事,从那以后我就深深地爱上了童话故事。八岁时,我特地让妈妈给我买一套英语读物来看。每次看书的时候,都是我最开心快乐的时候。这是一个充满幻想的奇幻瑰丽的精彩世界,也是一个浪漫神奇的幻想天地,更是一个纯朴、纯真的童心世界,一个个曲折奇妙的故事,深深地吸引了我,开启了我的心智。 重新看了一遍这套书却得到了与以前不同的感受。也许,有些人会认为童话很幼稚,充满梦幻,很不真实。但我却觉得童话也富有哲理,以前我听故事,只注意故事情节,却忽略了它所包含的寓意,而现在我却从中学到了很多,每一则有趣的故事都有其深刻的人生哲理。他有时告诉我们做事不能太贪心,多做一些能够帮助别人的事,将来一定会得到好报。有时则说明了凡事不能光看表面,美的本质终究有一天会被人们发现的。有时教我懂得了对待父母长辈要孝顺;有时教会我们,每个人都要正确地认识自己,选择适合自己的工作,不能轻信别人,盲目地从事自己不能胜任的工作,否则,后果不堪设想,害己又害人。童话,总是充满了教学意义的。 在那些新颖、鲜活、生动的童话中,我找到了另一个多彩而真实的世界,幼小的心灵认识和感受到了什么是真善美,什么是假丑恶,要以充满童真的心看待自己身边的一切。
Looking for Bigfoot (Step into Reading, Step 4) 进阶阅读3:寻找大脚 英文原版 [平装] [7岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载