Step into Reading Little Mermaid[美人魚] 英文原版 [平裝] [5歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Deborah Hautzig is the author of the popular Little Witch books as well as many other Step into Reading books, and the bestselling novel Second Star to the Right. The author lives in New York, NY.
Hans Christian Andersen, one of the best known figures in literature, is best know for combining traditional folk tales with his own great imagination to produce fairy tales known to most children today. The Danish writer was born in the slums of Odense. Although he was raised in poverty, he eventually attended Copenhagen University. Although Andersen wrote poems, plays and books, he is best known for his Fairy Tales and Other Stories, written between 1835 and 1872. This work includes such famous tales as The Emperor's New Clothes, Little Ugly Duckling, The Tinderbox, Little Claus and Big Claus, Princess and the Pea, The Snow Queen, The Little Mermaid, The Nightingale, The Story of a Mother and The Swineherd. Andersen's greatest work is still influential today, helping mold some of the works of writers ranging from Charles Dickens to Oscar Wilde and inspiring many of the works of Disney and other motion pictures. Andersen, who traveled greatly during his life, died in his home in Rolighed on August 4, 1875.
Step into Reading Little Mermaid[美人魚]
評分 評分沐風亭不再逗她,繼續道:“‘毒仙子’唐芯隱匿江湖,人們不免嘆息一番美人跟烈馬一樣,無論多不馴,總會碰到一個讓她心甘情願跟隨的英雄。誰知過瞭不久,江湖上就又津津樂道起瞭另外一個美人。據傳這位美人舉手投足間都跟唐芯有三分相似,且一樣善於使毒。唯一不同的是,她極盡風流,擁有麵首無數,卻無人知曉她的來曆和名字,江湖人士便給她取瞭個名號叫‘粉羅刹’。”一頓,沐風亭又道:“有道是王不見王,美人相輕。後來,這位‘粉羅刹’韆方百計欲找到唐芯一較高下。還真被她尋到瞭。隻不過唐芯自嫁瞭孟濤後習瞭蜀山派的武功,自然比‘粉羅刹’強齣不止一星半點,‘粉羅刹’被唐芯打傷後就此一蹶不振,匿跡江湖。”
評分Step into Reading Little Mermaid[美人魚] 英文原版 [平裝] [5歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載