Geronimo Stilton #6: Paws Off,Cheddarface! 老鼠記者係列#06:把你的爪子拿開! [平裝] [6-11歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Who is Geronimo Stilton? That's me! I run a newspaper, but my true passion is writing tales of adventure. Here in New Mouse City, the capital of Mouse Island, my books are all bestsellers! My stories are full of fun - tastier than Swiss cheese and tangier than extra-sharp cheddar. They are whisker-licking-good stories, and that's a promise! Holey cheese, it was strange! Rodents kept telling me I'd done things I had no memory of. Was I going crazy? Had the cheese finally slipped off my cracker? No, I soon discovered the truth. There was a Geronimo look-alike going around, pretending to be me! Worst of all, he was trying to take over 'The Rodent's Gazette'! I had to get that greedy impostor's paws off my newspaper. But how?
傑羅尼摩·斯蒂頓是誰?當然是我!經營著鼠城第*暢銷報紙《鼠民公報》,實際上真正熱愛的是寫冒險故事。他的書在新鼠城--鼠島的首都是*炙手可熱的熱銷書。他的書充滿瞭樂趣--比瑞士奶酪更美味,比切德乾酪的味道更濃鬱。 *近,傑羅尼摩卻總是遇上一些奇怪的事情:先是走在路上莫名其妙地被一位女鼠打瞭腦袋,接著又發現自己做瞭某種馬桶的廣告代言人,後來又是自己的《鼠民公報》被競爭對手莎莉收購……以緻於傑羅尼摩有傢難迴,流落街頭…當傑羅尼摩和西婭開始著手調查此事時,纔發現居然有一隻聲音和長相都酷似傑羅尼摩的老鼠在冒充自己乾壞事。傑羅尼摩憤怒瞭,他決定“以其鼠之道還治其鼠之身”,那他到底該如何做纔能扳迴對自己不利的局麵呢? 全彩插圖,故事趣味驚險充滿懸疑幽默,牢牢抓住孩子的眼球!圖文配比1:1,閱讀不枯燥,讓孩子順利過渡到章節讀本閱讀!
Geronimo Stilton is a best-selling children's book series published by Edizioni Piemme of Milan, Italy, since 2000. Scholastic Corporation has published the English version of the series since February 2007. Although the series credits its title character the author, the idea was originally thought of by Elisabetta Dami. On older novels, the copyright is issued to a pseudonym "Geronimo Stilton," this was changed on newer books. The books are intended for readers in the 8–16 year old age range.
Geronimo Stilton #6: Paws Off,Cheddarface! 老鼠記者係列#06:把你的爪子拿開! [平裝] [6-11歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
Geronimo Stilton #6: Paws Off,Cheddarface! 老鼠記者係列#06:把你的爪子拿開! [平裝] [6-11歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載