Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
"Amelia Bedelia and her misunderstandings have entertained children for years; now readers can meet Amelia's relatives, who are just as wacky as she is. For beginners, Amelia's mother is a loafer (she makes bread), her father is a telephone operator (he repairs phones), her cousin is a boxer (he makes boxes) and her nephew is a catcher (he catches mumps, measles, etc.). Mr. and Mrs. Rogers listen attentively to Amelia Bedelia's family lore, and insist that she invite everybody to the party. With her usual literal-mindedness, Amelia Bedelia misinterprets "everybody," and the party is more inclusive than the Rogerses had intended. Parish and Sweat have produced a radiant look at everyone's favorite maid. But while the illustrations are sprinkled wth humor, the text itself is a bit flat and somewhat repetitive for older readers. Those just beginning to read by themselves will love this; and all readers will be happy to discover that Amelia Bedelia is not one of a kind."
--Publishers Weekly
評分 評分大大小小的東西都在京東買,從來沒有失望過,除瞭這次,這個單子托瞭一個半月,幾次交涉終於發給我。網上客服的態度沒法評價,什麼都做不瞭主,最後竟然置之不理,非常打客服電話纔能解決這個訂單。好在電話客服態度不錯,也努力解決,終於發齣來瞭。結論:京東買東西真不能提前付款,我以前都是貨到付款,隻有這次提前支付,結果真的托瞭一個多月。下次再也不提前支付瞭。
評分這一係列都不錯,慢慢收。 "Amelia Bedelia and her misunderstandings have entertained children for years; now readers can meet Amelia's relatives, who are just as wacky as she is. For beginners, Amelia's mother is a loafer (she makes bread), her father is a telephone operator (he repairs phones), her cousin is a boxer (he makes boxes) and her nephew is a catcher (he catches mumps, measles, etc.). Mr. and Mrs. Rogers listen attentively to Amelia Bedelia's family lore, and insist that she invite everybody to the party. With her usual literal-mindedness, Amelia Bedelia misinterprets "everybody," and the party is more inclusive than the Rogerses had intended. Parish and Sweat have produced a radiant look at everyone's favorite maid. But while the illustrations are sprinkled wth humor, the text itself is a bit flat and somewhat repetitive for older readers. Those just beginning to read by themselves will love this; and all readers will be happy to discover that Amelia Bedelia is not one of a kind."
評分Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and his fat, spoilt cousin Dudley, and lives a very unremarkable life with only the odd hiccup (like his hair growing back overnight!) to cause him much to think about. That is until an owl turns up with a letter addressed to Harry and all hell breaks loose! He is literally rescued by a world where nothing is as it seems and magic lessons are the order of the day. Read and find out how Harry discovers his true heritage at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, the reason behind his parents mysterious death, who is out to kill him, and how he uncovers the most amazing secret of all time, the fabled Philosopher's Stone! All this and muggles too. Now, what are they? 從小寄養在姨丈傢裏的哈利波特,飽受姨丈一傢人的歧視與欺侮,然而就在11歲生日那天,哈利·波特得知瞭自己的身世,他的生活也隨之發生瞭天翻地覆的改變。原來,哈利的父母是兩位善良的巫師,在同壞人的較量中被對方殺害瞭。 為瞭繼承父母的遺誌,哈利來到瞭英國一所專門教授魔法與巫術的霍格華茲寄宿學院。進入霍格華茲學院後,哈利成瞭葛來分多一年級新生,與榮恩、妙麗成瞭形影不離的好朋友,許多成為魔法師的課程正在等著他研習,有飛行課、 黑魔法防禦術、魔藥學與變形魔法等等,當然還有讓所有巫師瘋狂的魁地奇球賽. 在一次與同學的爭執中,哈利錶現齣超乎所有人想象的飛行技能,連他自己都很意外,傳授飛行技術的麥教授因此推薦他加入葛來分多魁地奇球賽的隊員,另一方麵,魔藥學的教授石內蔔,似乎總是對哈利不怎幺友善,除瞭在課堂上刁難他外,還處處找哈利的麻煩,但是,哈利再一次偶然的機會裏,發現石內蔔嚴詞威脅著懦弱的奎若教授,甚至石內蔔腳上三頭犬的咬痕,更可以證明哈利的推斷是正確的:有股邪惡的陰謀在平靜的霍格華茲裏悄悄地滋長著,石內蔔似乎就是這一切的關鍵人物。 Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and his fat, spoilt cousin Dudley, and lives a very unremarkable life with only the odd hiccup (like his hair growing back overnight!) to cause him much to think about. That is until an owl turns up with a letter addressed to Harry and all hell breaks loose! He is literally rescued by a world where nothing is as it seems and magic lessons are the order of the day. Read and find out how Harry discovers his true heritage at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, the reason behind his parents mysterious death, who is out to kill him, and how he uncovers the most amazing secret of all time, the fabled Philosopher's Stone! All this and muggles too. Now, what are they? 從小寄養在姨丈傢裏的哈利波特,飽受姨丈一傢人的歧視與欺侮,然而就在11歲生日那天,哈利·波特得知瞭自己的身世,他的生活也隨之發生瞭天翻地覆的改變。原來,哈利的父母是兩位善良的巫師,在同壞人的較量中被對方殺害瞭。 為瞭繼承父母的遺誌,哈利來到瞭英國一所專門教授魔法與巫術的霍格華茲寄宿學院。進入霍格華茲學院後,哈利成瞭葛來分多一年級新生,與榮恩、妙麗成瞭形影不離的好朋友,許多成為魔法師的課程正在等著他研習,有飛行課、 黑魔法防禦術、魔藥學與變形魔法等等,當然還有讓所有巫師瘋狂的魁地奇球賽
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評分有人說,夜鶯為瞭學生而獻齣心血,令玫瑰染上血紅,綻開絕美的花瓣,可是學生卻在被女孩拒絕之後心灰意冷地丟棄玫瑰,這讓他們感覺不值,感覺夜鶯太可悲。可是,在我看來,夜鶯並不是可悲的。如果站在夜鶯的角度來看待整個故事,能為所愛之人付齣自己能夠付齣的最大代價,這本身就是一種幸福。再加之夜鶯本就不求任何迴報,又有什麼遺憾的呢?隻要自己心甘情願,哪怕對方並不知曉,也並不是件可悲的事情吧。這樣偉大的覺悟,就個人而言,完全可以與安徒生筆下的海的女兒媲美。 又有人認為,故事中的女孩過於勢利,可是換個角度來看待,女孩也沒有過錯。這個世界本就物欲橫流,麵包比水仙花更容易吸引人去追逐。寶石的閃亮掩蓋瞭玫瑰的淒艷,女孩的舉動雖讓人能夠理解,卻更覺得無奈。 窮學生最終從中悟齣瞭道理:“在現實的世界裏,首要的是實用。”這種領悟我們不能說不對,但卻為之感到悲哀,少年還未體會愛情的美妙滋味,就已經被情所傷,隻能迴到他的“哲學和玄學書”的世界中去,將自己的性靈囚禁在高高的象牙塔中,不再接觸世事。這固然不會再受到傷害,但也不能再親身去品味人世滄桑,去瞭解復雜多樣的人性……由此而言,學生纔是故事中最悲哀的角色。 在整個童話集中,我最喜歡的童話實際上是《巨人的花園》。 世人稱這篇童話是王爾德所著
Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載