装 帧:平装(套装) 作 者:Mary Pope Osborne 绘 者:Salvatore Murdocca 开 本:19.2 x 13.2CM 纸 型:轻型纸 语 言:英文 IS BN :9780375849916 出版社:Random House
神奇树屋Magic Tree House是写给国外10岁左右娃看的章节书。神奇树屋Magic Tree House是章节书,每本故事书大概70页左右,也有稍微长些的,但也不会超过120页,文字大,每页的文字 其实不太多,图片少,每个章节出现一到两幅图片。神奇树屋Magic Tree House是章节书里面简单的,基本简单句占多数,而且那个咒语都是重复的,还是挺有意思的。
被广泛的用作课外语文阅读和教学的辅助读物,并广受欢迎地成为校园舞台剧改编的文学蓝本。 这套书同时也是知识读物。故事里有意识地穿插各种各样的知识。虽然这些涉及各个领域的知识在每本故事里都不多,而且都是点到为止,但是因为知识与故事的有机结合,大大地启迪了孩
子的求知欲。引起孩子主动进行相关知识的扩展和深度阅读,也是这套书产生的一个神奇效果。很多孩子从神奇树屋起,开始爱上了读书。 “神奇树屋”(Magic Tree House)系列描述一对小兄妹杰克与安妮的冒险故事。八岁半的哥哥杰克,理性冷静,喜欢看书,他会将沿途看到的事物,重点式的记录在笔记本上;而七岁的妹
妹安妮,喜爱幻想与冒险,并且勇于尝试。 这两个一动一静、个性截然不同的兄妹,在森林里发现了一个堆满书的神奇树屋,神奇树屋就像时光机器,带他们到一个个不同的时空中旅行。于是,兄妹俩来到史前时代的恐龙谷、和骑士
探访中古世纪的城堡、到古埃及破解木乃伊的秘密、跟着海盗出海寻宝……,每一次的冒险都紧张刺激、精采得不得了! 现在,“神奇树屋”的门已经打开,欢迎加入杰克与安妮惊险有趣的知识之旅,和他们一起到不同时空中冒险!
28册目录: The Magic Tree House:Din0saurs Before Dark (#1) The Magic Tree House:The Knight at Dawn (#2) The Magic Tree House:Mummies in the Morning (#3) The Magic Tree House:Pirates Past N0on (#4) The Magic Tree House:Night of the Ninjas (#5) The Magic Tree House:Aftern0on on the Annazon (#6) The Magic Tree House:Sunset of the Sabertooth (#7) The Magic Tree House:Midnight on the Moon (#8) The Magic Tree House:Dolphins at Daybreak (#9) The Magic Tree House:Ghost Town at Sundown (#10) The Magic Tree House:Lions at Lunchtime (#11) The Magic Tree House:Polar Bears Past Bedtime (#12) The Magic Tree House:Vacation Under the Volcan0 (#13) The Magic Tree House:Day of the Dragon King (#14) The Magic Tree House:Viking Ships at Sunrise (#15) The Magic Tree House:Hour of the Olympics (#16) The Magic Tree House:Tonight on the Titanic (#17) The Magic Tree House:Buffalo Before Breakfast (#18) The Magic Tree House:Tigers at Twilight (#19) The Magic Tree House:Dingoes at Dinnertime (#20) The Magic Tree House:Civil War on Sunday (#21) The Magic Tree House:Revolutionary War on Wednesday (#22) The Magic Tree House:Twister on Tuesday (#23) The Magic Tree House:Earthquake in the Early Morning (#24) The Magic Tree House:Stage Fright on a Summer Night (#25) The Magic Tree House:Good Morning, Gorillas (#26) The Magic Tree House:Thanksgiving on Thursday (#27) The Magic Tree House:and High Tide in Hawaii (#28) 封面图:
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