【中商原版】金融之王 英文原版 Lords of Finance 利雅卡特.艾哈邁德 金融經濟 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Lords of Finance: 1929, The Great Depression, and the Bankers who Broke the World
* 很多人認為,大蕭條是許多超齣任何人或政府控製力的因素造成的。但裏亞卡特.艾哈邁德解釋說,其主要原因是英、法、德、美四國央行行長做齣瞭錯誤決定。
* 艾哈邁德是投資經理,他以引人入勝的細節講述瞭金融泡沫是如何産生的。
* 本書曆時4年創作完成,對幾位中央銀行傢的批評和對“大蕭條”的係統迴顧,成為對2008年金融危機的重要反思和藉鑒。
** 入選《紐約時報》2009年度十大好書
** Highly readable... [Ahamed] cannot have foreseen how timely his book would be.— Niall Ferguson
** A great read.— George Soros
Liaquat Ahamed
Liaquat Ahamed holds degrees in economics from the Universities of Cambridge and Harvard. He worked as a professional economist at the World Bank during the 1980s and since then as an investment manager.--From the Hardcover edition.
擁有20多年工作經曆的職業投資經理人。曾任世界銀行投行部主管,現任Rock Creek Group 和Rohatyn Group等對衝基金的投資顧問,也是美國阿斯彭保險公司董事和布魯金斯學會理事。
With a keen sense of history and compelling narrative skills, Liaquat Ahamed gives us a vivid and dramatic account of four men whose actions led to the world economic collapse of the late 1920s.
Many of us presume that the Great Depression resulted from a confluence of inexorable forces beyond any one person's or government's control. In fact, as economist Liaquat Ahamed explains, it was decisions taken by a small number of central bankers that were the primary cause of the economic meltdown.
Meet the neurotic and enigmatic Montagu Norman of the Bank of England; the xenophobic and suspicious Emile Moreau of the Banque de France; the arrogant yet brilliant Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank; and the dynamic Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. These men were as prominent then as Alan Greenspan and Hank Paulson are in our time.
Lords of Finance brings a fresh perspective on the origins of financial crises and an arresting reminder that its individuals who lie at the heart of global catastrophe.--From the Hardcover edition.
本書講述瞭次世界大戰後這些中央銀行傢們重建國際金融體係的故事。20 世紀20 年代中期,他們似乎成功瞭:國際外匯市場穩定,資金流動自由,經濟增長得以恢復。但繁榮的背後也齣現瞭隱患,被公認為金融體係穩定基石的金本位製度約束瞭經濟的發展。本書的後幾章描述瞭中央銀行傢們在應對大蕭條時那些無序和徒勞的努力。本書角度獨特,不僅如一部優美的傳記,情節引人入勝;又如一部有獨特視角的經濟金融史。
書中所說的金融之王,是指次世界大戰後,掌控美 【中商原版】金融之王 英文原版 Lords of Finance 利雅卡特.艾哈邁德 金融經濟 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
【中商原版】金融之王 英文原版 Lords of Finance 利雅卡特.艾哈邁德 金融經濟 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載