包郵全年官方訂閱 BranD國際品牌設計雜誌 雙月刊 中英雙語版 年訂6期 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
BranD is a brand design bimonthly magazine of business, with English and Chinese versions, published in Hong Kong and distributed globally since 2012 by Sendpoints Publishing Co., Ltd., a well-known publisher in Asian and Pacic region.
BranD emphasizes on the relationship between brand design and business. BranD creates an interactive eld for brand designers, brand managers,brand planners, business managers and brand institutes from across the globe. BranD aims at making a profound impact on brand design industry and commerce worldwide by taking broad and diversied approaches, displaying high-grade works and sharing cutting-edge information as well.
BranD has become a perfect magazine for brand designers, brand managers, business managers, enterprises, brand institutes, universities, etc.BranD directs its attention to presenting top brand design works, discovering the process of brand design, and nally exploring how brand design and brand management contribute to success in business. Varying its topics in each issue, BranD reveals brand values through perspectives from distinguished designers and notable brand managers, building bridges between designers and enterprises.
SendPoints 善本圖書,中國設計類圖書齣版、發行商之一。我們紮紮實實地為中國設計水平貢獻我們的一份責任,我們有一個理想——開放一個創意流動的窗口給設計師帶來無限的靈感與驚喜,推動創意産業的發展,讓世界都充滿靈感。SendPoints齣版的圖書行銷全世界二十幾個國傢和地區,得到業界廣泛的認同與推薦。
SendPoints緻力於平麵設計、建築設計、室內設計等專業圖書,近年齣版代錶作品有《Utilization-Creative Home Space Designs》、《A Dialogue with the Classic:Contemporary Interiors》、《Geometric Graphics》、《Follow Me》、《Follow Me II》、《Hello,Mr package!》、《Branding Element-Logos》、《Branding Element-Logos 2》、《Colour Party》、《Format First Vol.3》、《Branding First Vol.2》、《Fashion Eyes》、《Art In Book》、《Packaging Structures》、《Show Time:Exhibition And Stage Design》、《ON SPOT :International Event Design》、《Oriental Motifs In Modern Design》、《Communicating Fashion Brands》、《Unlimited:Graphic Design Studios》、《第六屆中國元素國際創意大賽作品集》、《第三屆全國插畫藝術展》等,2012年SendPoints推齣國際品牌商業設計雙月刊《BranD》。
包郵全年官方訂閱 BranD國際品牌設計雜誌 雙月刊 中英雙語版 年訂6期 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載