My Very First Library 艾瑞卡爾 經典兒童繪本四本套裝 啓濛紙闆書 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
My Very First Book of Colors
My Very First Book of Shapes
My Very First Book of Numbers
My Very First Book of Words
整本書裁切成上下兩排,上麵一排隻齣現單字,下麵一排結閤圖案與單字,孩子可以將上麵的單子與下麵的圖案連結在一起。簡單熟悉的生活事物,厚紙闆設計, 艾瑞卡爾一貫拼貼色彩豐富的風格,非常適閤命名時期的小小孩。
繪本大師Eric Carle針對幼兒設計的組閤式概念連連看紙闆硬頁書,2005年創作瞭形狀與顔色兩主題,2006年創作以字匯和數數為主題的幼兒童書。維持作者一貫的創作風格,簡單的文字搭配色彩鮮明的圖案,運用連連看的觀念,讓孩子學習運用自己組織能力和邏輯應用,在上下分割開的頁麵尋找答案,建立對象圖形與符號之間的關連同時,讓孩子的學習過程充滿趣味。
Here is the perfect gift for young children learning their colors, shapes, and numbers. All four of Eric Carle?s popular new split-page board books are now packaged together in a slipcased library. A game as well as a learning experience, these early concept books are both fun and smart.
Children can turn the top pages independently from the bottom pages, creating a matching game that offers all the charm of Eric Carle?s bright collage illustrations. Collected here are My Very First Book of Colors, My Very First Book of Shapes, My Very First Book of Numbers, and My Very First Book of Words. Irresistible fun for young hands and minds!
齣版社: Philomel Books; Slp Brdbk (2006年9月7日)
外文書名: 我的第yi個圖書館
紙闆書: 72頁
讀者對象: 1 - 5 歲
語種: 英語
ISBN: 0399246665
條形碼: My Very First Library 艾瑞卡爾 經典兒童繪本四本套裝 啓濛紙闆書 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
My Very First Library 艾瑞卡爾 經典兒童繪本四本套裝 啓濛紙闆書 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載