英文原版 50篇优秀短篇小说 Fifty Great Short Stories 全英文版 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
作 者:Milton Crane
装 帧:平装
页 数:592页
语 言:英语
尺 寸:10.5 x 2.4 x 17.4 cm
IS BN:9780553277456
出版社:Bantam Classics
Fifty Great Short Stories 《 50 篇优秀短篇小说 》书中共收录了世界著名作家的经典短篇小说 50 篇,适合英文原版书入门读者,希望通过阅读提高英语词汇量及爱好英语文学作品的读者。
Fifty Great Short Stories《50篇优秀短篇小说》作品内容包罗万象,每一篇都匠心独运、令人回味无穷,抑或包含着深刻的哲理,需要我们去深思。书中收录了世界著名作家海明威、契诃夫、霍桑、莫泊桑、欧亨利、爱伦坡等的经典短篇小说作品。
50 Great Short Stories is a comprehensive selection from the world’s finest short fiction. The authors represented range from Hawthorne, Maupassant, and Poe, through Henry James, Conrad, Aldous Huxley, and James Joyce, to Hemingway, Katherine Anne Porter, Faulkner, E.B. White, Saroyan, and O’Connor. The variety in style and subject is enormous, but all these stories have one point in common—the enduring quality of the writing, which places them among the masterpieces of the world’s fiction.
Milton Crane is Professor Emeritus of English Language and Literature at George Washington University and the University of Chicago. He is the author of several books and articles on English literature, as well as the editor of the Bantam anthology, 50 Great American Short Stories.
The Garden Party—Katherine Mansfield《花园茶会》——凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德
英文原版 50篇优秀短篇小说 Fifty Great Short Stories 全英文版 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
英文原版 50篇优秀短篇小说 Fifty Great Short Stories 全英文版 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载