適讀人群 :學生 這套讀物能夠幫助學生擴展知識麵,開拓視野,提高思維品質,為他們今後的閱讀和學習提供更為廣闊的空間。
Christine Mc Cafferty是英國教材編寫專傢,其作品曾在澳大利亞、南非、中國等國傢齣版。她在大學期間主修英語和政治,輔修曆史和法律,碩士期間學習新聞傳媒專業。曾經在南非、中國香港等地區教授英語,擁有豐富的教學經驗。
UNIT 1 Thoughts on Life 生活的思考
September’s song 九月之歌 ............................................................2
Memories of the amusement park 遊樂園迴憶 ................................4
Where will you be five years from now? 五年後你將身在何處? ......6
UNIT 2 Feelings 情感態度
Overcome your fear 剋服你的恐懼 ................................................10
Are you a perfectionist? 你是完美主義者嗎? ................................12
The road not taken 未選擇的路 ....................................................14
UNIT 3 Greetings 問候
Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂 ............................................................18
New Year greetings 新年的問候 ....................................................20
Today is General Election Day! 今天是大選日! ...........................22
UNIT 4 Then and Now 昔時與今日
Xhosa king crowned in traditional style 以傳統方式加冕的科薩國王 ......26
Traditional Chinese medicine 中醫 ...............................................28
Inuit’s challenge in the Arctic 北極伊努伊特人麵臨的挑戰 ...............30
UNIT 5 The Sunshine News 快樂的消息
Broadway wish comes true! 去百老匯錶演的願望終於實現瞭! ......36
Architecture in animation 動畫中的建築 .........................................38
An interview with a Minecraft fanatic
對一位《我的世界》狂熱玩傢的訪談 ..................................................40
UNIT 6 Sport 體育運動
Changing the world through basketball 用籃球改變世界 ...............44
The greatest moment in tennis history 網球史上最偉大的時刻 .......46
Freediving: the attraction of the deep 自由潛水:海洋深處的誘惑 .....48
UNIT 7 War Stories 戰爭故事
Double agent 雙重間諜 .................................................................52
A Polish couple who hid Jews in their zoo
把猶太人藏在自傢動物園的波蘭夫婦 ..................................................54
Pearl Buck’s love of China 賽珍珠的中國情 ...................................56
UNIT 8 Famous People in History 曆史名人
Stories about George Washington 喬治·華盛頓的故事 ................60
Don’t be too sure 不要太自信 ......................................
Soon you meet all the different office characters: the joker, the shy guy, the kind girl whoremembers everyone’s birthday, and the ice princess who thinks that she is better than everyoneelse. It is just like seventh grade at school.This does not mean that I long for my own school days. I have some very unpleasant memories fromthose days. I often remember, with unhappiness and embarrassment, struggling to make friends, beingat my first school dance and stressful exam study times. But I know that most of life takes place inchildhood and adolescence. The rest is just a shadow of those important times.
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