装 帧:平装作 者:Doug Stillinger绘 者:Doug Stillinger开 本:23.6 x 23.6 x 3.1CM页 数:48语 言:英语IS BN :9780545459921出版社:Klutz(Scholastic旗下)
体验亲子活动,加入KLUTZ手工世界!。所附配件已包含所有手工材料无需另外购买,妈妈们无需担心产品对孩子的伤害,本产品所有材料经美国专业机构无毒害检测通过。本产品适合8岁及以上孩子使用。 . 【内容简介】The Spiral Draw book lets you create millions of dizzying designs. The book includes cool translucent "drawing wheels" that make it easy to create loads of spiral designs right on the pages of the book. Packed with tons of on-the-page drawing ideas, plus inspired instructions for swirly projects like spiral scratch art, spiral stationery, spiral soak art and more - the range of activities will make readers' heads spin. 封面图:
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