華研原版英文工具書 單詞的力量 Word Power Made Easy 韋氏字典三寶 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Merriam-Webster's Everyday Language Reference Set
ISBN: 9780877793328
定價: USA $21.00
1. Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder《韋氏詞根字典》(韋小綠)
ISBN: 9780877798552
定價: USA $6.99 CAN $8.99
2. TheMerriam-Webster Dictionary《韋氏英語字典》(韋小紅)
ISBN: 9780877792956
定價: USA $7.50 CAN $10.99
3. TheMerriam-Webster Thesaurus《韋氏英語辭典》(韋小黃)
ISBN: 9780877798507
定價: USA $6.50 CAN $9.50
Word Power Made Easy單詞的力量從詞源學的角度教你學英語單詞、記單詞,趣味十足,適閤中學及以上的英語學習者、愛好者,初學詞根或需要擴大英語詞匯量的學生。
Word Power Made Easy單詞的力量是一本與眾不同、自成一格的詞匯學習書。中國市場現有的詞匯書籍基本全部局限於對個彆詞根的舉例說明,僅僅告之詞根的含義,再列舉幾個實例。Word Power Made Easy以詞匯所在語境為入手點,從概念入手,強調概念形成的先決條件,再對與概念相對應的詞匯進行講解,隨後進行大量練習,練習設計聽、說、讀、寫。每個章節之後穿插英語語法講解。語法講解客觀、新穎,同時也是中國市場缺少的語法講解方式。
Do You Always Use the Right Word?
Can You Pronounce It -- and Spell It -- Correctly?
Do You Know How to Avoid Illiterate Expressions?
Do You Speak Grammatically, Without Embarrassing Mistakes?
If the answer to any of these questions is NO, you ought to read Word Power Made Easy. Now thoroughly revised to eliminate outmoded references and to to reflect current idioms, it remains the best and quickest means to a better vocabulary in the English language.
Each chapter ends with review. Each section ends with a progressive check. Numerous tests will help you increase and retain the knowledge you acquired. Word Power Made Easy does more than just ass words to you vocabulary. It teaches ideas and a method of broadening knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary building process.
Merriam-Webster's Everyday Language Reference Set 韋氏英語詞典套裝,簡稱韋氏三寶,適閤打算齣國的讀者,中學及以上的美語愛好者,英語專業,GRE、GMAT、托福、SAT等考生。
1.韋氏三寶套裝,包括Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder《韋氏詞根字典》(韋小綠)、TheMerriam-Webster Dictionary《韋氏英語字典》(韋小紅)、TheMerriam-Webster Thesaurus《韋氏英語辭典》(韋小黃)。
5.韋小紅為2016新版,無塗改詞條,新增hashtag, bromance和carbon footprint等新詞。
Word Power Made Easy單詞的力量是一本可以有效而係統地積纍英文詞匯的書籍,作者Norman Lewis是一位精通語法學、詞源學的英文詞典編纂者和作傢。書中對如何有效增長英語詞匯知識、真正掌握英文,分主題進行瞭細緻而全麵的論述。
This time-tested classic—first published more than sixty years ago—has helped millions achieve mastery of English.Word Power Made Easyis the most effective vocabulary builder in the English language. It provides a simple, step-by-step method for increasing knowledge and mastery of written and spoken English. Arranged in thematic sections—on everything from how to flatter friends and insult enemies to how to talk precisely about science and medicine—the book is written in a lively, accessible, and often humorous style, presenting ideas and a method of broadening your knowledge as an integral part of vocabulary-building. The author delves into etymology to arm the reader to decode unfamiliar words, provides phonetic pronunciations, gives tips on avoiding common spelling errors, and offers useful sections on which fussy, old-fashioned grammar rules are valid and which are outdated or misguided and can be safely ignored. Loaded with helpful reviews, progress checks, and quizzes to reinforce the material, this classic resource has helped millions learn to speak and write with greater sophistication.
Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder, Newly expanded designed to improve language skills
·250 Greek and Latin roots aid in the learning of1,200 words along with 2,500 closely related terms
·Fact-filled paragraphs, helpful example sentences, and numerous quizzes
·Perfect for students preparing for standardized tests including SAT, ACT, and ESL tests such as TOEFL and TOEIC
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, A NEW EDITION of America’s Best-Selling Dictionary!
·More than 75,000 clear and concise definitions help you communicate effectively
·Include new words and senses from a variety of fields such ashashtag,bromance, andcarbon footprint
·Usage guidance, word origins, and over 8,000 usage examples to aid understanding—more than ever before
·Useful tables and special sections on Foreign Words & Phrases, Biographical Names, and Geographical Names
·Expert word guidance from Merriam-Webster’s permanent staff of lexicographers
·Based onMerriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition
The Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, America’s language experts help you:
·Find the right word in seconds: Easy-to-use alphabetical listings make lookups fast; Abundant cross-references to alternative entries
·Choose the best word: More than 150,000 word choices; Main entries feature a statement of core meaning
·Understand each word: Concise definitions eliminate the need to guess; Carefully crafted usage examples show how words are commonly used
·Build vocabulary and improve language skills: A full range of associated words expands choices beyond synonyms; Related and contrasted words add color and variety to writing
1.Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder韋小綠,講解瞭250個希臘或拉丁詞根,1200個詞條及2500個相關詞匯。全書分為30個單元,每個單元以詞根串聯單詞,輔以練習鞏固。單詞講解包括韋氏音標、英文釋義、語境例句、詞源故事等。語言生動有趣,幫助讀者提高詞匯量。
2.The Merriam-Webster Dictionary韋小紅,是《韋氏大學英語詞典》Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary第11版的簡明版,收錄7.5萬常見英語詞匯,使用精簡的英語詞匯解釋詞義,釋義完整,方便查閱。另附外來詞、人名、地名等實用附錄。
3.The Merriam-WebsterThesaurus韋小黃,收錄2萬多主詞條,詞條講解包括詞性、英文釋義、用法例證、同義詞群、相關詞群、反義詞群等。全書共15萬詞匯量,字母序排列,幫助讀者在口語、寫作等錶達時快速選擇準確閤適的詞匯。
Norman Lewis(1912—2006年)齣生於紐約布魯剋林(Brooklyn,New York),他畢業於美國哥倫比亞大學,美國英語語言領域的quanwei專傢,英語語法專傢,詞典編撰者,他一生編著瞭63本書,其中以《單詞的力量》《三十天增強詞匯》和《羅熱詞庫》三本特彆暢銷。
Norman Lewis was born in 1912 in Brooklyn, New York, and died in 2006 in Whittier, California. He was an author, grammarian, lexicographer, and etymologist, and a leading authority on English-language skills. In addition to Word Power Made Easy, his many bestselling books include 30 Days to Better English, 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary, and several revised editions of Roget's Thesaurus.
How To Use This Book For Maximum Benefit
1.How To Start Building Your Vocabulary
2.How To Talk About Personality Types (Sessions 1-3)
3.How To Talk About Doctors (Sessions 4-6)
4.How To Talk About Various Practitioners (Sessions 7-10)
5.How To Talk About Science And Scientists (Sessions 11-13)
6.How To Talk About Liars And Lying (Sessions 14-17)
7.How To Check Your Progress : Comprehensive Test I (Session 18)
8.How To Talk About Actions (Sessions 19-23)
9.How To Talk About Various Speech Habits (Sessions 24-27)
10.How To Insult Your Enemies (Sessions 28-31)
11.How To Flatter Your Friends (Sessions 32-37)
12.How To Check Your Progress : Comprehensive Test Ii (Session 38)
13.How To Talk About Common Phenomena And Occurrences (Sessions 39-41)
14.How To Talk About What Goes On (Sessions 42-44)
15.How To Talk About A Variety Of Personal Characteristics (Sessions 45-46)
16.How To Check Your Progress : Comprehensive Test Iii (Session 47)
17.How To Check Your Standing As An Amateur Etymologist
18.How To Keep Building Your Vocabulary
1.Test Your Grammar
2.Random Notes On Modern Usage
3.How Grammar Changes
4.How To Avoid Being A Purist
5.How To Speak Naturally
6.Do You Always Use The Proper Word
7.Some Interesting Derivations
8.How To Spell A Word
9.Take This Spelling Test
10.Another Check On Your Spelling
華研原版英文工具書 單詞的力量 Word Power Made Easy 韋氏字典三寶 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載