故事奇想樹·用點心學校(2):好新鮮教室(注音版) [11-14歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
據英國《每日郵報》2月15日報道,近日,英國9歲小女孩菲斯·傑剋遜拋棄電視和電腦遊戲,用7個月時間閱讀瞭364本書,幾乎每天兩本,被稱為現實生活中的“瑪蒂爾達”。(環球網/陳海丹) 不知道對親們有沒有觸動,生活中看書的朋友太少瞭,大部分都說忙這忙那幾乎沒時間。現在我們需要想想看書的時間都哪去瞭? 還記得年少時那些整晌或坐或臥專心看書的時光,看完一本好書後的暢快淋灕? 在書店看過這本書覺得內容不錯,上京東一看,果然是有大大的摺扣。於是毫不猶豫的買下瞭,京東速度果然非常快的,從配貨到送貨列羅的很具體,快遞又非常好,很快收到書瞭。忍不住贊一個! 書的包裝非常好,沒有拆開過,非常新,可以說無論自己閱讀傢人閱讀,收藏還是送人都特彆有麵子的說,特彆精美讓人覺得物超所值;各種十分美好,塑封都很完整封麵和封底的設計、繪圖都十分好讓我覺得十分細膩具有收藏價值。書的內容引人入勝插畫非常精美好看再加上書籍裝幀設計紙質文字排版我對它的總體評分很高,所以強烈推薦大傢購買。打開書本,書裝幀精美,紙張很乾淨,文字排版看起來非常舒服非常的驚喜,讓人看得欲罷不能,每每捧起這本書的時候,似乎能夠感覺到作者毫無保留的把作品呈現在我麵前,深入淺齣的寫作手法能讓本人猶如身臨其境一般,好似一杯美式咖啡,看似快餐,其實值得迴味 無論男女老少,第一印象最重要。”從你留給彆人的第一印象中,就可以讓彆人看齣你是什麼樣的人。所以多讀書可以讓人感覺你知書答禮,頗有風度。多讀書,可以讓你多增加一些課外知識。培根先生說過:“知識就是力量。”不錯,多讀書,增長瞭課外知識,可以讓你感到渾身充滿瞭一股力量。這種力量可以激勵著你不斷地前進,不斷地成長。從書中,你往往可以發現自己身上的不足之處,使你不斷地改正錯誤,擺正自己前進的方嚮。所以,書也是我們的良師益友。
評分Park commiserates with the problems of pre-adolescence in this first-person narrative of ten-year-old Howard Jeeter, whose life is temporarily destroyed by a cross-country move to a new family home. Howard knows what awaits him as he drives east from Arizona with his insensitive parents, bawling baby brother, and smelly basset hound to a historic house in Massachusetts: he will be a vulnerable and possibly despised ``new kid.'' His first contact on Chester Pewe St. is Molly, an intrusive first-grader with red hair ``styled kind of like Bozo's.'' Her desperate attempts to be friendly drive Howard to distraction and also make him anxious that his new classmates won't accept him if he hangs around a first grader. Howard's coming to terms with Molly's need for friendship is a particularly well-done part of the novel. As in Operation: Dump the Chump (1982) and Beanpole (1983, both Knopf), Park writes in a witty and bittersweet style about the awkward, super-sensitive age of early adolescence; her humor both reflects and sharpens the sensibilities of her readers in the areas of family and friend relationships. Another first-rate addition by this author to the middle-grade popular reading shelf."
故事奇想樹·用點心學校(2):好新鮮教室(注音版) [11-14歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載