Product Details 基本信息
ISBN-13 書號:9780545881043
齣版社:Scholastic Us
Publication Date 齣版日期:20161006
Shipping Weight 商品重量:0.42kg
Shipping Weight Language 語種:英語
pages 頁數:10
Book Contents 內容簡介
Best selling pop up master Matthew Reinhart takes fans on the ultimate journey through LEGO history with a little help from narrator Professor Wolfgang von Brickhausen who heads the department of LEGO Studies at Baseplate University This one of a kind book is positively bursting with humour and interactivity There are intricate pops to marvel at tabs to pull wheels to spin mini accordion books to unfold maps to discover and much more besides
英文原版LEGO Pop-Up樂高立體書 樂高積木玩具書 幻影忍者 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書